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Mary Abele (Root)
Sarah Elizabeth "Bebe" Adams (Gaines)
Henry Claude Allen (1922-2010)
Richard Allen
Annie Laurie Ammons (Teal-Whigham…)
Emily Anderson
Lila D. Anderson (Hain 1923-1996)
Herman Aronov
Mamie Jo Ashby
Marius Marcus Autrey
Margaret Badalutz
Carolyn Lucille Baggett (Walker)
Sara Lou Bagwell
James N. Bailey
Arthur Ball
O. K. Banks
Sallie Kate Barberer
Minnie Frances Barck (Barrow)
Lila Barfield
Shirley Barfield
Matthew Michael Barrett
Harold Basch, Jr.
George M. Bauer
Mary Ellen Bayne (Wallace 1922-2002)
Hildred Beaird (Stewart 1923-…)
Elizabeth Beall (Horton 1923-2004)
Trafton Howe Bean
Mary Ellen Bear (Berry 1924-2005)
Louise Page Beasley (-1983)
Robert Beasley
James Ledbetter Beech (1922-1992)
Pauline Bell
W. F. Benton
Marris Beonhe
Elizabeth Berl
Hildred Bernard
Arnold M. Berthaume (1922-2009)
Mary Garrett Betly
Maxine Beton
Mary G. Betty (Garrett)
Clara M. Bibby
James I. Black, Jr. (1925-2006)
Herbert Blair
Elizabeth Blake
Mary E. Blan
William Blessley
Margaret G. Boan (Booth)
Dorothy Boddie
Nellie Bohannon
Carolyn Boles
Dr. Haywood Bernard Boles (1922-1996)
Virginia Dell Boney (Alexander)
Fred Books
Lee Booth
Warren Gerald Booth (1921-1994)
Claire Bost (Steindorff 1923-…)
George Boswell
Mary Elizabeth Bowden
George Bower
Roy Frederick Bowick (1923-1971)
Claude Lee Bowman
Edward Doherty Bowman (-1943)
Howard Bowman
Sarah M. Box (Lawson 1924-2017)
Edward Boyd
Guy Wilford Boyd
Mary Virginia Boyd
Carolyn Elizabeth Bozeman (Hussey)
Gladys Bozeman
Luther Howard Bozeman (1923-1997)
Makray Bozeman
Hilda June Bradshaw
James Martin Bradshaw (19…)
Howard Brasseale (1919-2007)
Bernice Brassell
Ellen E. Brassell (Jancaterino 19…)
Clarence Bratner
Albert Breedlove
Fred B. Brooks
Carl Browder
Margaret Henderson Browder (Kolyn…)
Olivia Retta Browder (Johnson 191…)
Ben Brown
Betty Hutchinson Brown (Lamar)
Billy Brown
Cecil Brown
Charles W. Brown
Doris M. Brown
Henry B. Brown (1923-2009)
Hilda M. Brown (Kreis 1923-2005)
Jesse B. Brown
Ola Brown
Charles Bryant Browning
James Aldwin Bryant
William Bull
Jean Bullard
Mavis Patricia "Pat" Burke (W…)
Bennett H. Burks
Martha Burner
Jack Burnette
Virgil Burnette
James Horace Burson (1921-2008)
Lorraine Buschman (Vinson 1922-1994)
Byron Haygood Butler (1922-2012)
Fornell Butler
Georgia L. Butler (Warren)
Lou Nell Butler
Donna Delores Butts
Edward Cadenhead
Bert Calhoun
Jane Cameron (Vijande)
Harold E. Campbell
Imogene Campbell (Head 1923-1999)
Etheleen Hazel Cannon (Russell)
J. Bryant Carlisle
Judson Cathron Carlton (Scheer)
Nina Carmichael (King)
James Carnathan
John Carothers
Frances McCoy Carter (Conover)
Thelma Frances Carter (Lachney)
Frances Castellow (Farnham 19…)
Evelyn Caum
William "Bill" Upson Ca…
Robert Roy Chambers (1921-1985)
Elizabeth Chamblee
Cecil Lamar Champion
Donald Cheek
Howard Byron Cheek (1923-2002)
Allen P. Cherry, BMCM, Usn (1…)
John Chesser
Mailaude Chevey
Francis Chilton
Irene Christian (Long 1923-1996)
Carl Vernon Clark
Charles W. Clark
Samuel R. "Dick" Cleere
Elizabeth L. Clements (Petrey 192…)
Lucia Clements
Malie Cobb
James Cochran
John Buchanan Coleman
Jack Collins
Laslie Mae Collins
Rev. Robert H. Collins
George Henry Colwell (1923-1961)
Ben Compton
Robert "Bob" E. Compton
Frank Cook
Jean Cook
Emily Cooner (Rabren)
Evelyn Parish Cooner (1923-2017)
Johnnie Lee Cooper
Ellen Barry Coulson
Mary Coulson
Octavia J. Cowart
Morris Franklin Cowden
Mary Alice Cox
Carl B. Craft
Myrtilene E. Cranford
Mary Eleise Cravey (1922-2004)
Erin M. Crum (Sternenberg 192…)
Thelma Cummings
Juanita Daniel (Tarleton 1923…)
Mary Gene Daniel (Mulcahy 1923-1998)
Thomas Daniel
J. R. Darby
Anna Eloise Davis (Hall)
Charles S. Davis (1922-2015)
Frances E. Davis
George Davis
Paul Wesley Davis
Dorothy Dayton
Lewis Dayton
Margaret Deavers (Heath 1925-2002)
Lillian Margaret Deel
Maxie George Deer, Jr.
Shirley Anne DeGinther (Gwynn 192…)
Bill Derichson
Sidney Lorenza Dickey (1922-2001)
Anna Margaret Dickinson (Masters)
Launa Murray Dixon (Fleming 1924-…)
Lavern Inez Doby
Mary Helen Doby
William "Billy" Donahue, LT…
Louise Donavan
Ann Dowdell (Stauss 1923-2003)
Rufus B. Dowdy. Jr.
Kathryn R. Draughon (Zeegers)
James Dunmoody
Cecil Howard Dunn (1917-1969)
John K. Dunn
Daniel B. Easterling
Ralph Easterling
Bobby Echols
Howard Echols
Hugh T. Edwards
Edward Eiland
James Davis Eiland
David Elder
Frances Irene Eley (Lougee)
Harold Elliot
Ann Walton Ellis (Adair)
Elois Erke (Porter 1923-2000)
Helen Erwin
Irma Jean Eubank (Catchman 19…)
Hazel Evans
William "Billy" Farmer
James Dan Farris
Lawrence Jones Fassman, Jr.
Josephine Louise Fay (Roush)
Clarkie Hazel Fike (Askew 192…)
Doris Fisher
Bob Fitts
Henry Tompkins "Tom" Fitzpatrick
Marjorie Floyd
Preston Ford
Joe Fox
Sara David Franco (Piha 1924-2006)
Sara Jeniece Franco (Golinsky)
Daniel Perry Franks
Malcolm W. Fulcher
Mary Katherine Fuller
Evelyn Merle Furlong (Haynes …)
Marjorie Furlong (Oswalt 1924…)
Jacqueline Victoria Gaffney
Edmund Gaines
Mary Frank Gannt (Blethen)
Allen A. Gardner
Alvin A. Gardner
Bruce Garner (1921-2006)
M. Elizabeth "Betty" Gauntt
Martha N. Gay (Shellow 1923-2010)
Joseph "Joe" George
Dorothy Iwee Gholson (Sorrell 192…)
Dorothy Gibson
Marjorie Gibson
Thomas Gilfire
Edna Earl Gillespie (Hawkins …)
Thomas Gilpin
Emily L. Gipson (Courington 1923-…)
Betty Sue Glass (Crane 1922-1998)
Billie Waller Glass (Deaux)
Fred Glover
George Glowson
Ethel Frances Godwin (Hawley …)
Dorothy Inez Golson
Pershing Goodson (1918-2007)
Ruth Gordon (Mullen -2012)
Ruth E. Grable (Inman)
Eloise Graham (Cason 1922-1995)
Mary S. Graham (Champion 1923…)
John C. Granger (1922-1994)
Betty Grant
Billy Grant
Catherine Grant
Georgia Gray (Wright)
Miriam Green
Susan M. Green (Shugg)
Patrick "Pat" Greene
Vela Doris Greene (Watts)
Mary L. Gregory
Sarah Virginia Griffin
Edith Gross
Mae Guice (Ohman)
John M. Gunn
Mary Gunter
Georgette Haigler
Robert "Bobby" E. Hails
Adele L. Hall (Garsed 1921-2004)
Dick Hall
Dorothy Hall
Durvard Hall
Edward Hall
Joseph Laslie Hall
Mary Frances Hall (Gray)
Nellie Frank Hall
Willie Joe Hall
Frances L. Haltiwanger
Durward Hammond
Felice Hanan (Cohen 1923-2015)
Rachel Hanan (Capouano)
James Handley
Rubin Hank
William Hanks
Joyce Hardin (Ackermann)
Carroll Hargrove
Clyde Harkins
Douglas Harper
Edith Harper
Dan Carr Harris (1923-1976)
Dan Hartley
J. William Hartley
Joseph Bryson Hatfield
Juanita Hawkins
Frank Howard Hawthorne
James E. Hayes
James Hays
Thomas Duncan Head, MD
Billy Heard
James Heilman
Betty Helburn (Rimalover)
Emma Russell Helms (Green 192…)
Jean Helms (Ellisor 1923-2011)
Ernest Raymond Helton, …
Myrtle Florence Henry (Hall)
Charles Henson
James Henson
Duncan Herd
Eugenia Herring
Louise Herring
Dan Cox Heustess (1922-1999)
Forrest Hicks
Frances Elizabeth Hicks (Geor…)
Virginia Howard Hicks (Shaw 1…)
Dorothy Jean Higgins (Thompson 19…)
Lewis Hill
Robert Dowling Hinson
Lucille Hobbs
Marion Holden
Alice Hill Holding (Rollow 19…)
Hugh Hollan
Nancy Holland
Zelma Lucille Holland
Francis J. Holley (Boozer 192…)
Marion Holley
Hugh Estes Hollon
A. Bernice Holman (Walters)
Baker Holman
Eloise Holmes
Roy Holmes
Grigsby Sibley Hood (1925-1950)
Dorothy Mae Hoomes
George Mathews Marks Hopkins (-2006)
Hettie Allen "Tut" Hopkins (M…)
Henry Hopson
Earline Hornady
Frances Hornady
Malcolm "Mac" Burke Horrell…
Margaret Houlditch
Collin Houston
George Howard
William "Billy" John Ho…
Robert Howell
John Howser
Frances Howze (Green 1923-2014)
Sulane Hudson
Adella Collins Huffman (Jones)
Hilda Hunter
John "Jack" D. Jackson
Stanley Jenkins
Payne Jernigan (Harazda)
Oliver Jernigan, Jr. (1918-2001)
Dorothy Jane Jimmerson (Yeakle)
Alexandrine Johnson
Earl Thomas Johnson
Erin Ouida Johnson
Shaffer Wren Johnson (-2011)
Suzanne Johnston
Ferrell Sellers Jones
Freddie "Fred" Kate Jones
Julia Helen Jones (Scott)
Lizzie Rea Jones (Henderson)
Madalyn "Madge" Annette Jones
Mary Jones
Melvin Jones
Mildred Jones
Nettie Mae Jones
Teddiek Jones
Whipple Metcalfe Jones (1923-1999)
Fred D. Jones, MAJ, Usaf
Gloria Jordan (Elder 1923-2006)
Joseph Jordan
Elizabeth P. Joseph
James P. Judge (1921-1986)
Mary Elizabeth Kahn
Shirley Kartus (Levy)
R. Stanley Keith
Robert Kelley
Eileen Kelly
Jack Kelly
Marvin Kelly (1922-1996)
George Kennedy
Willie Mae Kennedy (Horne)
William Frank Kent
Martha Claire Kimbrough (Brig…)
Charles Edwin King
Coralie King
Marion Kirk
Frank C. Kohn
Mary Elizabeth Kohn
Alvin Kyle
Oliver "Ollie" Columbus Kyle
Annie Lamar (Goldsmith)
Clarence Doyle Lammon (1920-1987)
Felix Lancaster
Mary Vivian Lankford (Campbell)
Dorothy Larkin (Curtis)
Horace Fay Lawson
Norma Elizabeth "Bess" Layfield (Morr…)
Harold Lazenby
William Lazenby
Etha Jean Lee
Jean Lewis
Juanita Lewis
Herbert W. Liddon, Jr.
Harriet Ligon
Dr. William "Will" D. Little, Jr.
Arthur Louis Lobman (1924-2003)
Albert K. Loeb
Eda Loeb
Joan Logarde
Clarence Long
Thomas Lue
Carl Irwin Lummus
John Grimmer Lunceford (1922-1960)
Leonard Lynch
Ben Macey
Joseph "Joe" W. Machen
Malcolm M. MacWilliams, COL…
Joe Malory
Sara Malt
Frances Muhr Marks (Scully)
Rubye Louise Marshall
J. C. Martin
Louise Martin (Ide 1923-1995)
Mary Agnes Martin
Alberta Martz
Ethel Mae Massey (Hardwick 1923-2000)
Grace LaRue Mathews (Starr)
Flora Maucha
Lucile McCain
John W. McCann
Ann McClendon
Clyde P. McClendon
Howard McCrory
Dorothy McDade (Pilgreen 1922…)
Gerald Wallace McDade (1919-2007)
Hazel Marie McDade (Park)
Robert "Bob" B. McDonald (192…)
Baker McElvy
Dorothy Helen McElvy (Dean 19…)
Virgil "Virgie" McGee
John R. McGehee
Robert McGehee
William Boyd McGehee, Jr.
James Ray McInnis
James "Jim" Wiley McKenzie
Mildred McKenzie
Eloise McKim (Frazier 1920-2012)
Donald McLain
Johnnie J. McLain
Mark McLain
Virginia McLean
Ann McLendon
Clyde Patterson McLendon
Lillian E. McLeod (Krahn)
Virginia McLion
Clifford Clarence McRae
Tom Meriweather
Margaret Florence Meriwether
Helen Merritt
Emma Kate Metcalf (Goodman)
Mary L. Milam
Jewel Miller
Charles Franklin Mills
Myrtice Mimms
Gloria Mitchell
Jean Mitchell
Mary Alice Mixon
Charles Arthur Monasee
Theodore "Ted" Leonard Monasee
Billy Moody
Clarence Cecil Moody (1920-2009)
Gordon Ernest Mooney
B. J. Moore
John C. Moore
Margene Moore
Reuben T. Moore (1923-2007)
T. Hugh Moore (1920-2009)
Arthurine Mixon "Mickey" Mo…
Dannie Frances Morgan
Myrtle Morgan
Elois Morris
Vivian Elizabeth Morris (Blac…)
George Morton
Bill Moseley (1923-2015)
Lucile Moseley (Harker)
Dorothy Moser (Stearns 1925-2007)
Helen Louise Mosley (Porter)
Cameron Moss
Grover Cleveland Murchi…
Beverly R. Murdock
Beryl B. Murphy (1921-1999)
Dorothy Marie Murphy
Milton Murrell (1923-1996)
Mary Louise Myers (Pugh)
Anne Estelle Naulty
Sarah Catherine Neal (Herbert)
Evelyn Neilson
Joe M. Nelson
Silas S. "Brook" Nettle…
Walter Carl Newberry (1923-1970)
John Walker Newman
P. Eleanor Newson
Margaret Nord
Betty Jane Norman
Thomas J. Norman
Mary Grace Norris (Grimes 192…)
Roger Charles Norris (1923-2007)
James Oakley
French P. Ogletree (1922-1999)
William Robert Olsen
Pat Ozment
Mildred Paravicone
Helen Parge
John H. Parish, Jr. , Usaf (19…)
Claudine Virginia Parker
Edith Marion Parker (Grab)
Leslie Parker
Willie Gray Parten
Berry George Patton
Mary Helen Paul
Aubrey Lee Payne (1923-1970)
Frances M. Peagler
Bill C. Pearson
Jacque A. Pebworth (1920-2006)
Jean Pecike
Leonard Peek
Margaret "Peggy" Lovelace Penton
John Alexander Perdue (1923-2008)
John Pruitt Perdue
Evelyn Perry
Anne Elizabeth "Betty" Perryman (Sellers)
Earl Peterson
Helen A. Petrey (Pennington 1…)
William Theron Petrey
Artie Belle Pirtle (Van Fleet Savage)
Wallace Screws Pitts, Jr. (19…)
Jean Pliler
Jane A. Poindexter (White)
Helen Pope (Morgan)
Mary Post
Katherine Pounds
Annie Ruth Powell
Frank Douglas Powell, Jr. (1922-…)
Douglas Prater
Dorothy E. Price (Oneill)
Robert "Bobby" Hall Pritchett
Ruth Pritchett
William Pugh
John P. Purdue
Lowren Purdue
Mary Frances Puthane
James "Jimmie" Thomas Q…
Jetta A. Radebaugh
Jackson "Jack" Hobbie Rainer (192…)
Betty M. Ramsey
Jeanelle Ray
John Andrew Ray
Sam Renfroe
Lena Renolds
Mary Edna Reville
Margaret Rew
Billy Rhodes
Lila Henrietta Rhodes (Tate 1…)
Helen Richards
Agnes R. Richardson (Huffman)
Virginia Ricker
Julian M. Ridolphi (1919-1999)
Mary Inez Riley
Vivian "Pidge" Ritch (Powell …)
Helen Jean Rittenour (Geesey)
Callie Dougherty Rives (Smith)
Hugh Robers
David Roberson
James Thomas Roberts
Lawrence R. Robinson
Mary Charles Robinson
Robert L. Robinson
Jetta Rodebough
Hugh Gordon Rogers
Zack Rolen
J. N. Rollo
Pearla Mae Rollo
Jeanette Rosen (Scherer)
Luther Rothwel
Mildred Rowan
Edwin Rowell
John M. Rudder
Marjorie Elizabeth Rudder (Flanagan)
Myrtis Sadler
Bernard F. Sanders, Jr. (1921-2002)
Leo Jo Sanford
Harold Scarborough
Max Schulwolf (1933-2013)
Junior Scott
Lucien Scott
Paul Barrett Scott
Tom D. Seale
Mary E. Sealey
Gwendolyn Sealy
Warren Ashton Sedberry
Guy Sessions
Percy Sessions
Rudolph Sessions
Virginia Jean Severence (Nettles)
Faye Sewell
Katherine Shank (Smith 1924-1970)
Emery J. Sheffield (1923-…)
James Willard Sherer
Marguerite Everett Sher…
Elsie Sherman
Morris R. Sherman (1921-2002)
Charles Shipley
Elsie M. Shirley (Neale)
Virginia Shirley
Jack Simmons
Ruth Marshuetz Simon (Rosenthal)
Virginia Simpler
Jo Phyllis Sims
John Sims
Clifford Land Singleton (1923…)
Evelyn V. Singley (Perry 1923…)
Curtis Claybon Slauson (1922-2004)
Parker Smilie
Carlisle Smith
Christine Norris Smith (P…)
Denny Smith
Ellis Smith
Flem E. Smith
Florence E. Smith (Head 1923-…)
Frances Carman Smith (Moore 1…)
Frances Elizabeth Smith
Frank Carlos Smith
Helen Louise Smith
John Smith
Nadine Smith
Ottis Earl Smith (1920-1951)
Vardine Smith
Le Roy Sonden
Mary Sonya
Frances E. Spencer (Jones)
Jean Tipton Spencer (Hinds 1924-1993)
Lloyd Spencer
Phillip Speyer
Bill Sprecher
Dorothy R. Stanaland (Samuel 1922…)
Harold Stanford (1920-2007)
Mary Anne Steagall
Sam Britton Stearns (1922-1996)
Dan Oliver Stephens (1921-1984)
Aline Joan Stern (Greebaum)
Howard Hutchens Stewart
Laslie Mills Stewart
Elaine Stockard
Henry Edward Stokes
Martha Lois Stokes (Hepburn 1922-…)
Milton D. Stone, Jr. (1923-1969)
Benjamin Stough (1922-1987)
Frank Stratford
James Strickland
Bunyan David Strickland, Jr.
Gene Stringer
Helen R. Strom
James Struthers (1922-2018)
Edward N. Struthers, Jr. (1922-2004)
Charles W. Suran, Jr. (1923-2009)
Mary Lucille Sutliff (King)
Billy Swan
William "Billy" Henry Swilley
Jim Syers
Clara Ellen Tatum (Monroe)
Jack Tatum (1923-2018)
Evelyn Taylor
Lawrence "Larry" Park Taylor
Mary Cecil Taylor (Watson)
Ralph Keener Teague (1923-2002)
Thomas Tewycle
Grace P. Thigpen (Wilson)
Jean Thomas
Gerald H. Thompson
Helen Thompson (Pierce)
Ora Nell Thompson
Katherine Hails Thornton
Norman Threeman
Vivian Tice
Alma Ruth Tidwell
Neil O. Tidwell
Marjorie J. Till (James)
John R. Tillery
Curtis L. Tindal (1922-1997)
Tommy Tinsley
Betty Tisdale
Ruth Tisdale (Hughes)
Elmore Channing Trafford
Elizabeth L. Traylor
Wayne Pearson Traylor (1921-2003)
Carolyn Trederich
Barbara Trotter (Cronier 1923…)
Lewis Earl Trotter
Sara Tucker
Fate Tulgham
Frances Tullis (1923-2010)
Theo Turk
Inez Turner
Cannine Morris Turnipseed
Carrie Tye
A. Irene Upchurch (McDonald 1923-…)
Alice Varon (Kleinberg 1922-2013)
John Wadsworth
Jeanne Varner Walker (Anderso…)
Spencer Wallace
Mildred "Milly" N. Walther (Gray …)
Peggy Walton
Billy Franklin Ward (1921-2005)
Charles Ward
Colleen Ward
Virginia Ward (Billy)
Mary Elizabeth Warr (Blevins …)
Jene Warren
Jean Wather
Dottie Watson
James Watson
Jean Watson
Charles F. Watts (1923-2002)
Robert Gray Weafer
Emory H. Weathers, Sr. (1922-2005)
Monaree Weaver
Buddy Webb
Frances Webb
Horace Jackson Weeks, Jr.
William "Bill" Hunter W…
Dudley Wells
Edna West
Clarence Howell Westbrook
Katie Louise Westbrook
James Wheeler
Percy Wheeler
Frances Marshall White
Mary Frances White
Claudia Elizabeth Whitlock
W. L. Whitman, Jr. , Usaf
Jack Whittle
Paul Stanley Whittle
Miriam Wilbourne (Lanter)
Felix Mullen Williams (1923-1994)
Hank Williams (1923-1953)
Howard Williamson
Marie Claire Wilson
Nola Elizabeth Wilson (Thacker)
Ruth Wilson
Virginia Elizabeth Wilson (King)
Daniel Wilson, Jr. (-2011)
Harold M. Windham (1923-2015)
John Hugh Wise
Catherine Wood
Elizabeth Wood
Grigsby S. Wood
Janice May Wood (Brunnauer 19…)
Margaret N. Wood
Lamar Stephens Woodham
Mac Woodruff
Margaret Woodruff
James Wilburn Worthington (19…)
Edna Wright
Evelyn Wright
Mary Yarborough
Julianne Yonge
Charles Edward York (1923-2009)
Gloria Yost
Frankie A. Younginer
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