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Joan Ruth Ables (English 1967 -1968)
Christine Acker (English 1973 -1974)
Coach Bernie Acton (History A…)
Mr. Henry H. Adair (Principal…)
Mr. Jimmie Lee Adams (Princip…)
Nancy Adams
Mrs. Addie G. Adourian (Mathe…)
Betty A. Alldredge (Librarian 1927 -…)
Joyce Allen (Currently JROTC)
Miss Mamie Allen (Commercial …)
Msgt Jewell Allen (Military 1951 -1954)
Mr. William C. Allman (Scienc…)
Mrs. Susan Altizer (Mathematics 1952 …)
Phyllis Ambers-Palmer (Current Activi…)
Mr. Robert Anderson (Mathematics 1952…)
Mrs. Jewette Anderson (Librar…)
Sgt. John Anderson (Military 1951 -1953)
Mr. Joe Andress (Mathematics 1965 -1969)
Miss Eloise Andrews (English …)
Mr. H. M. Andrews, Jr. (1942 -1944)
Mr. James Angelich (1946 -1949)
Miss Eloise Apperson (1946 -1947)
Mrs. Ellen Aretz (Tmr Aide 1989 -1991)
Mr. John R. Armstrong (1938 -1945)
Mrs. Marguerite Armstrong (Fr…)
M/Sgt L. H. Arnwine (R. O. T. C 1946 -1949)
Larry Arrington (Security Officer)
Lorene Ashley (English 1973 -1974)
Nancy Belser Ashurst (Social Studies …)
Patricia Ashurst (1966 -1967)
Mrs. Anna Avary Thomas Athe…
Christie Atkinson (Graduation Coach)
Katherine Atkinson (English 1923 -1930)
Capt. T. A. Austin, Jr. (Military Sci…)
Mrs. Helen Marie Smith Bagl…
Mr. John T. Bagwell (Manual A…)
Ann Rose Bailey (1966 -1967)
Sgt. Major Charles Baine, Sr. (Milita…)
Louise Baker (Commercial 1966 -1970)
Mr. Earl Ball (V. I. E. And C…)
Miss Julia Ann Ballard (Science 1947 …)
Mrs. Lucille Banks (Advanced Writing …)
Exzealia Baptiste (Current 10th Grade…)
Mr. Morris S. Barlow (1924 -1925)
Gregory Barnes (Currently Teaching Sc…)
Lillie Belle Barnes (Penmanship And W…)
Major Barnes (Military Science 1923 -…)
Mrs. Marie G. Barnes (Science…)
Senitha Barnett (Currently -Career T…)
Mr. T. Richard Barr (Manual A…)
Miss Lorraine Bass (History 1947 -1948)
Timothy Bass (Currently -Special Edu…)
Quanteria Battle (Science)
Joyce B. Baxley (English 1967 -1968)
Virginia Baxley (Commercial 1924 -1930)
Miss Annette Baxter (Veteran Training…)
Myra Bayne (Science 1964 -1967)
Mildred Beale (History 1928 -1933)
Mr. Arnold Irving Beck (Science 1939 …)
Maj. Francis R. Beckman (Military 196…)
Mrs. Sylvia Beebe (French 1987 -1992)
Mr. Johnny S. Bell (Speech 1970s -1980s)
Mrs. Elaine Bell (Math 1980s)
Demetria Belser (Currently Teaching S…)
Mr. T. A. Belser (1940 -1943)
Mr. James Daniel Berry (Social Studie…)
Mr. Russell I. Berry (History…)
Mrs. Mary Ellen Berry (Library Clerk …)
Major Ned Robert Bethea (R. O. …)
Mrs. Jessie Bibbins (Guidance…)
Mr. Cecil H. Bierley (Commercial 1947…)
Dorothea Biggin (History 1922…)
Mr. William T. Binion, Jr. (Band 1958…)
Mr. Ralph Bitter (English 1970s)
Mr. Ray Black (Commercial And Manual …)
Mrs. Mila Word Black (Commerc…)
Suanne L. Black (Home Economics 1961 …)
Mr. Ray L. Blackburn (1940-…
Miss Ann Blackmon (English And Dramat…)
Helen F. Blackshear (English …)
Juanita T. Blakey (English 1963 -1966)
Perry Blankenship (Faculty)
Mary Warr Blevins (Secretary …)
Miss Margaret Booth (English …)
Barbara Ann Searcy Booth Wi…
Coach Clinton Boswell (Economics, Ame…)
Natala B. Bowdoin (Mathematics 1927 -…)
Mrs. Marcia Bowers (Art And Social St…)
Mr. John Bowlin (Chemistry 1980s-1990s)
Mrs. Margaret Bowling (Commer…)
Miss Anita Bowman (Biology 1990 -1991)
Nancy Belser Bowron (History 1960 -1965)
Lucille Boyd (Science 1922 -1924)
Coach Raymond Crum Boykin
M-Sgt Roy Bozeman (Military 1950 -1953)
Miss Winifred Bradley (1946 -1947)
Coach Charles Bradshaw (Econo…)
Mrs. Dorothy Branch (Spanish 1980s-1990s)
Betty Brannon (Speech And English 195…)
Mrs. Evelyn Brannon (Lunch Room 1949 …)
Sgt. George H. Brantley (Military 194…)
Mrs. Thelma P. Braswell (Commercial A…)
Mrs. Teri Braud (English 1980s)
Mrs. JoAnna Breedlove Crane
Mr. Perry Bremer (Band 1937 -…)
Augusta Brewer (Spanish 1922 -1923)
William E. Brewer (Mechanical Drawing…)
Coach John Bricken (P. E. , Athletics,…)
Joseph Britton (Currently Teaching So…)
Joann Broadway (English 1965 -1966)
Coach Davis Brock (Social Studies, Al…)
Mrs. Nancy Brock (Secretary 1990s)
Mr. Peter Paul Bartholomew "P Squar…
Mrs. Carol Brooks (Lunchroom Manager …)
Bettye D. Brown (Science 1969 -1971)
Coach R. C. "Red" Brown (Head Coach A…)
Jennie Brown (Currently Teaching Math)
Linda Brown (Currently Teaching Speci…)
Miss Joann Brown (Research, Discussio…)
Mrs. Shirley Brown (English And Guida…)
Mr. Edward Browning (Chemistr…)
Mr. Jim Brunson (Maintenance Supervis…)
Yvonne Bryan (English And Speech 1966…)
Howard Bryant (Art 1974 -1982)
Mrs. Belinda Bryant (Business, Typing…)
Olivette Buford (English 1958 -1959)
Eva Bullock (Mathematics 1924 -1930)
Mrs. Virginia H. Bunn (Home Economics…)
Kelli Burbage (Law And Public Safety)
Major H. H. Burdette (Physical Direct…)
Betty C. Burke (Physical Education 19…)
Mr. David Burkette
Mrs. Rose H. Burks (Guidance Counselo…)
Opal James Burnside (English And Spee…)
Mr. Louis Burton (Mathematics 1980s-1…)
Coach Clayton Bush (American History …)
Rose Bush (1924 -1925)
Capt. C. P. Butler (Military 1945 -1947)
Madelyn C (Taylor)
Coach John Cain (Commercial S…)
Anita Mitchell Caldwell (1928…)
Coach Herschel Amos Caldwell
Grace Callan (Mathematics 1923 -1925)
Mrs. Ruth S. Cammack (Commerc…)
Mr. J. B. Campbell (1940 -1942)
Mrs. Barbara Campbell (Health Occupat…)
Mrs. Paula Cannon (Math 1980s)
Rebekah Cannon (English 1968 -1971)
Valerie Canterfield (1924 -1925)
Mr. E. D. Cardinal (Engineer 1934 -1936)
Mr. T. C. Carlton (1938 -1943)
Mrs. Karin Carmichael (Biology And AP…)
Mrs. Sandra R. Carnes (Biology, Chemi…)
Mr. Carp (Diversified Occupations 195…)
Edris E. Carr (English And Geography …)
Jo Ann Carr (Mathematics 1958 -1961)
Marcelline Carr (Mathematics 1969 -1970)
Miss Anita Carroll (1945 -1946)
Miss Phyllis M. Carter (English And L…)
Mrs. Helen Cullens Carter (Or…)
Rosemary H. Carter (French 1964 -1965)
Joseph G. Cates (Mathematics 19…)
Coach James R. Chafin (Biology And At…)
Odette Chalaron (Modern Languages 193…)
Grace Chambers (1924 -1925)
Mr. William H. Chancellor (Veteran Tr…)
Martha Chandler (Latin 1953 -1954)
Mrs. Leonora Chapman (Sherloc…)
Mrs. Lula Chapman (Guidance Counselor…)
Coach William G. "Buddy" Clark (Biol…)
Edith Clark (Science 1922 -1928)
Erick Clark (Current Cnp)
Miss Kate Clark (Latin And Hi…)
Thomas Clark (Special Education)
Mrs. Lucile Clendenin (Science 1952 -…)
Mrs. Ethel D. Clifton (1943 -…)
Vivian Cobb (Commercial 1928 -1930)
Shirley O. Cochran (Mathematics 1962 …)
Coach L. C. Cole (Head Coach 2006 -2007)
Mrs. Brenda DeRamus-Coleman (Spanish…)
Mrs. Virginia S. Coleman (1941 -1942)
Wanda Coleman (Basic Vocational Educa…)
Mr. Ernest S. Collier (Manual…)
Anne Griffin Collins (French 1928 -1929)
Mr. James R. "Bobby" Collins
Ruby P. Collins (Latin 1928 -…)
Johnathan Colvin (Current Head Baseba…)
Mr. Elmer W. Colvin (Mechanical Drawi…)
Mr. Bill Conde (History 1952 -1953)
Mrs. Annie Connell (English 1970s)
Mrs. Michele Coody (Debate, Research,…)
Mr. Carl Cooley (Mathematics 1990s)
S/Sgt. James Coons (Military 1966 -1968)
Mrs. Annette Lee Cooper (1945 -1946)
Mr. Charles Ambrus Cooper, Jr.
Marguerite Cope (English 1923 -1924)
Gladys Copeland (Home Economics 1923 …)
Debra Corbitt (Currently Principal's …)
Mrs. Mary Corbitt (Guidance Secretary…)
Mrs. Lillis H. Corcoran (1941…)
Cheryl Corlee (Drivers' Education 197…)
Major S. A. Cortner (Military 1959 -…)
Martha Corwin (English 1923 -1924)
Carolyn Cosby (Geometry 1954 -1955)
M/Sgt Wilson S. Covington (Military 1…)
Mrs. Mildred Johnson Cowham
Miss Mary Gene Cox (English 1947 -1948)
Miss Rosemary Coyle (Special Ed. , Mat…)
Miss Ruby Crawford (Mathemati…)
Vicki Crawford (Social Studies 1965 -…)
Mrs. Miriam Perrin Creel (Eng…)
Janice Crenshaw (Current Security Off…)
Mr. Charles E. Crockett (Soci…)
Mr. Harold S. Cross (Mechanical Drawi…)
Mr. Eugene Crouch (1966 -1967)
Sgt. Leonard Cummings (Mi…)
Wiley Cutts (Principal 1972-1991, …)
Mr. Paul Dallas (Mechanical Drawing 1…)
Curtis Daniels (Currently Teaching La…)
Olivia Dannelly (English 1927 -1928)
Mrs. Evelyn C. Darden (1941 -1942)
Mr. A. M. Davidson (1938 -1939)
Bobbye J. Davis (Commercial 1956 -1957)
Elizabeth M. Davis (English 1934 -19…)
Elizabeth M. Davis (Commercia…)
Keidra Davis (Science)
Linda P. Davis (English And French 19…)
Mr. George Davis (Brickmasonry 1970 -…)
Mrs. Annette Davis (Mathematics, Geom…)
Mrs. Annette G. Davis (Geometry And M…)
Mrs. Erin Davis (English And Home Eco…)
Mrs. Lula Davis (Commercial S…)
Mrs. Violet Skipper Davis (1943 -1944)
Brent Dean (Math)
Hilda Howard Dent (1966 -1967)
Mr. Albert Dewberry (English 1970s)
Mr. J. H. Dey, Jr. (1942 -1947)
Virginia Dickey (Social Studies 1955 …)
Mr. B. P. Dilworth (1944 -1946)
Mrs. Alma Lacy Dixon (English And Fin…)
Mrs. Mary Donald (Bookkeeper 1980s-1990s)
Vivian F. Donald (English 1968 -1971)
Mrs. Alice Doran (English 1973 -1977)
Elizabeth S. Doty (English 1967 -1968)
Mr. Lee W. Douglas (Principal …)
Major Frank H. Du Bose (Military 1944…)
Mrs. Marjorie Jeanne Dubina
Leona Duncan (Home Economics 1923 -1924)
Mr. M. T. Duncan (Diversified Occupat…)
Mr. Farrell Duncombe (Band Di…)
Chloe Earnest (1924 -1925)
Miss Jewel Echols (Mathematics 1944 -…)
Meredith Edwards (Currently Teaching …)
Miss Sarah Gay Edwards (Latin 1980s-1…)
Miss Madeline Eitzen (Home Ec…)
Mr. Marvin Ellis (Ap American History…)
Mr. Yale H. Ellis (Bandmaster…)
Tislam Ellis (Currently Teaching Engl…)
Elizabeth Elmore (English And Latin 1…)
Margaret Elmore (Spanish 1968 -1970s)
Mary Emma English (English 19…)
Coach Ben Melvin Enis (Athlet…)
Mrs. Maybelline Erving (Guidance Dept. )
Mrs. Frances Esary (Librarian…)
Miss Bea Ester (Spanish 1947 -1948)
Katie Evans (English 1970s)
Miss Katherine V. Evans (English And …)
Pauline Evans (Commercial 1953 -1955)
F. Ezekannagha (Currently Teaching Ma…)
Mr. Donald C. Faber (Veteran Training…)
Mr. John J. Farris (Principal…)
J. B. Farshee (Band 1936 -1937)
Miss Maureen Faulkner (1940 -1942)
Mr. Floyd Faulkner (Science 1927 -1941)
Mr. Hugh M. Faulkner (Sci…)
Mrs. Jimmie Felder (English And Libra…)
Mr. Patrick Fenderson
Miss Anne Figh (Secretary 192…)
Anne Finlayson (Science 1966 -1968)
Mrs. Reba Finney (Office Secr…)
Mr. P. C. Fleming (Military Training …)
Mrs. Iona Mirinda Gillespie Fontaine
Albert Ford (Currently Teaching Art)
Jomarlan Ford (Currently Teaching Math)
Mildred Ford (English And Public Spea…)
Sally Eleanor Forester (Logue…)
Marcella Foster (Commercial 1954 -1955)
Mrs. Bernice Foster (Commercial 1950 …)
Ms Cathy Foster (Tmr Aide 1990s)
Mr. Thomas J. Fowler (English 1958 -…)
Mrs. Barbara C. Fowler (English, Dir. …)
Esther Frank (Spanish And Mat…)
Ra'Shon Frank (Currently Teaching Health)
Frances French (Assistant Dietitian 1…)
Mr. Harold Friedman (Mathematics 1923…)
Mrs. Diann Frucci (English And Ap Eng…)
Coach Robert Fuller (Head Coach And …)
Mary Fuller (Home Economics 1928 -1930)
Miss Frances Fuller (Commercial 1947 …)
Mr. David M. Funderburk (Vocational A…)
Hilda Furlough (Assistant Lunchroom M…)
Mrs. Linda W. Gardner (English 1964 -…)
Mr. William Silas Garrett (Sc…)
Mr. Tommy Garrigon (Biology, …)
M/Sgt Edwin Garrison (R. O. T. C. 1947 -…)
Mrs. A. M. Gaulacher (1941 -1942)
Mr. Larry Gauntt (English, So…)
Mr. William A. Gayle, Jr. (Veteran Tr…)
Mr. E. G. Geiger (Agriculture 1946 -…)
Johnny George (Currently Teaching Fir…)
Mary George (Jester)
Mrs. Juanita German (English 1973 -1991)
Pamela German (Current Book Keeper)
Miss Dorothy Ghent (Mechanica…)
Mr. Michael Gibbs (Recent Past Principal)
Mr. Charles Gibeaut (Mechanic…)
Mrs. Voncile Pierce Gibson (Health An…)
Mrs. Mary I. Gilbert (Spanish, French…)
Ruth Gilbert (Commercial 1922 -1923)
Mrs. Jodee Gilder (Basic Math And Geo…)
Mr. Charles Gildersleeve (Administrat…)
Lula Ann Ginyard (Commercial 1969 -1970)
Kedrick Gipson
Mr. Robert W. Glass (Science,…)
Mr. John Glasscock (American History,…)
Mr. Willis E. Glazner (Princi…)
Mrs. Connie Goings (Special Education…)
Mrs. Dorothy K. Golab (Scienc…)
Kimberly Goldsby (Currently Teaching …)
Mary H. Goldthwaite (1924 -1925)
Mrs. Herbert Goldthwaite (Lunch Room …)
Mrs. Ethel Thomas Golson (Eng…)
Anthony Goode (Custodian)
Jodee Goodwin (Geometry And Algebra)
Mr. Henry P. Goodwin (English And Spa…)
Louise Goodwyn (Regular Supernumerary…)
Mrs. J. E. Gordon (1946 -1947)
Miss Margaret Elizabeth Gorrie
Mrs. Pamela Grace (Tmr Aide 1990s)
Beulah N. Graham (Spanish And Math 19…)
Mr. Graham (1940 -1941)
Mr. William Granger (Athletics And He…)
Mr. William M. Graves (1945 -1946)
Diane Gray (Currently -Career Techni…)
Diana Gray Williams (Current Director…)
Judy G. Graydon (Commercial 1964 -1970)
Linda Graydon (American History And W…)
Mrs. Mary Porter Facen Grayson
Aundria Green (Currently Teaching His…)
Carline R. Green (Commercial 1961 -1962)
Kathleen O. Green (English And Social…)
Kemeche Green (Special Education)
Miss Dorothy Green (1939 -1941)
Miss Susie C. Green (Science …)
Mr. Haynes U. Green (1924 -1925)
Mrs. Effie McArthur Green (Co…)
Mrs. H. V. Green (1940 -1943)
Mrs. Mamie Green (Home Economics 1980…)
Capt. John N. Greene (Military Scienc…)
Mr. Walter M. Greene (Military 1928 -…)
Mr. Walter M. Greene (Chemistry 1958 …)
Glenda Gregory (English 1964 -1965)
Mrs. Elizabeth Gresham (Special Educa…)
Nakia Gresham (Guidance Secretary)
Anne Griffin (French 1927 -1928)
Mrs. Lou Ellen Griffin (1943 -1946)
Mrs. Grimes (Science 1951 -1952)
Dr. Lance D. Grissett (Commer…)
Mr. Victor F. Griswold (S…)
Theresa M. Griswold (Commerci…)
Mrs. Elizabeth Schall Grove
Mr. James Gunter (Art 1972 -1974)
Renzo Meade Guy II (Principal…)
Miss Nell Hagedorn (Physical …)
Miss Ruth Hagedorn (Secretary…)
Mr. Haines (Military 1950-1951)
Mr. John F. Halbrooks (Chemistry And …)
Kathleen Hale (Assist. Lunchroom Mana…)
Mrs. Annie C. Hale (English A…)
Dewayne Hall (Currently Teaching JROTC)
Landon Hall (English 1927 -1929)
Miss Hester Hall (Librarian 1958 -1959)
Miss Laura Hall (Librarian 1929 -1960)
Mr. Hall (Diversified Occupations 195…)
Mrs. Natha Hall (1948-2017)
Laselle Hamilton (Current Custodian)
Major Wade Hampton (Military 1962 -1966)
Miss Arline Hanke (1942 -1943)
Brenda Hansen (Currently -Data Entry)
Miss Claudia M. Hardy (D. E. , D. O. , De…)
Myra Hardy (Currently Teaching Specia…)
Mr. Grover Harkins (1940 -1942)
Valetta Ann Harlin (English 1954 -1955)
Ann Harmon (English 1962 -1963)
Mrs. Julia S. Harper (English…)
Sfc Orville Harrell (Military 1960s)
Annie Harris (Currently Teaching Care…)
Clayton Harris (Current Head Football…)
Keante Harris (Currently Teaching Spe…)
Martha Harris (English 1972 -1874)
Miss Gussie Harris (English 1922 -1948)
Miss Hortense Harris (Science, Commer…)
Mr. Chiles Harris (English, 1…)
Mr. Roosevelt A. Harris (Science, P. E…)
Sara Harris (Current School Nurse)
Sylvia Harris (French 1922 -1923)
Caroline Harrison (English 1935 -1937)
Mr. Charles Harrison (French And Hist…)
Mr. Thomas E. Harrison (Soc. Stud. , A…)
Sara McQueen Harrison (Physical Educa…)
Sgt. Charles K. Harrison (Military 19…)
W. R. Harrison (1924 -1925)
Ruston Hatchett (English 1922 -1923)
Bob Hawkins (Drivers' Education 1973 …)
Martha Haygood (Mathematics 1955 -1956)
Jessie Louise Head (1924 -1925)
Ron Head (French And English)
T. Kermit Hearn (History, Comm. , And …)
Miss Madeline Heflin (1944 -1946)
Dr. Emory Helms (History, Government,…)
Charles Henderson (Science)
James Henderson (Current Technology C…)
Mary E. Henderson (Registrar 1972 -1973)
Thomasine Hendricks (English 1928 -1929)
Virginia Ruth Hendrix (Home Economics…)
Captain Thomas Henry (Military 1954 -…)
Mrs. Mary D. Henson (1943 -1944)
Jack T. Herndon (Typewriting 1954 -1955)
Mr. Frank M. Herndon (1942 -1947)
Alma Lacy Herzberg (1948 -1949)
Joan Hester (Spanish And French 1961 …)
Major Clyde H. Hester (Ph…)
Mrs. Jessie Reid Heustess (Spanish 19…)
Carolyn M. Hicks (English 1962 -1963)
Mrs. Ouida T. Hicks (Home Economics 1…)
Mr. John Higgins (American History 19…)
SGT, Kenneth C. Higgins (Military 196…)
Mr. H. E. Higham (1940 -1941)
Blanche Hill (Science, Chemis…)
Miss Patricia Hill (Spanish 1965 -1969)
Mr. Frank P. Hill (1945 -1946)
Mr. William F. Hill (World History 19…)
Ophelia T. Hill (English 1969 -1987)
Mr. Hines (Military 1951 -1952)
Mr. Evans Hinson (Science 196…)
Anne Hixon (English 1958 -1959)
Miss Conni Hobbs (Health And Athletic…)
Mr. Henry H. Hobdy (Drivers' …)
Sgt. Edward Hobner (R. O. T. C. 1948 -1951)
Mr. Thomas Holliman (Chorus 1980s-1990s)
Coach Steve Holloway (Head Coach 2008…)
Shannon Holloway, Jr. (Currently Teac…)
Shannon Holloway, Jr. (Biology And Ph…)
Miss Sue Holman (1943 -1945)
Mrs. Corrie N. Holmes (Commercial, Ty…)
Vera Carolyn Holmes (English, Asst. P…)
Georgia Holston (Cnp)
Mrs. Ruth Hood (Science 1989 -1990)
Mrs. Roberta Horan (English And Germa…)
Miss Martha Horne (1942 -1945)
Judy Hornsby (Librarian 1961 -1962)
Lois Howard (Health Occupation Educat…)
Mr. James Pearson Howard (His…)
Mr. Billy Hrabe (Bandmaster 1…)
Coach Clayton Hudson (Mathematics, He…)
Mrs. Lynne Meredith Huett (A. P. …)
Carolyn June Huggins (Commercial 1955…)
Julia R. Hughes (Social Studies 1956 …)
Mr. Herbert Huie (1945 -1946)
Yolanda Huntley (Currently -Library …)
Officer Hurbert (Security Officer)
Ruby Illges (English 1935 -1936)
Ann Ingram (Social Studies 1967 -1970)
Mr. J. F. Ingram (Vocational 1937 -1941)
Mr. Mark Ingram (Drivers' Education 1…)
Mrs. Lois Ingram (1941 -1942)
Mrs. Mae Irvin (Library Clerk 1987 -…)
Mr. A. M. Jackson (1939 -1940)
Mr. Theodore I. Jackson (Chemistry, A…)
Shirley Jackson (Current Cnp)
Mary Nan Jacobs (Commercial, Typing, …)
Mr. Willie Jefferson (English And Ame…)
Mr. Ed Stanley Jenkins (1939 -1940)
Dorothy J. Jester (English 1962 -1963)
Lt. Col. Leonard Jindrich (Mathematic…)
Mrs. Elizabeth Jinright (Lamp Secreta…)
Mrs. Laura B. Jinright (Mathematics 1…)
Agnes Johnson (English 1963 -1968)
Alva Johnson (Office Secretary 1965 -…)
David Johnson (Custodian)
Felicia Johnson (Current Cnp Lunchroo…)
John W. Johnson (Manual Arts 1962 -1963)
Judy Johnson (Math And Commercial 196…)
Mary Beth Johnson (English 1964 -1966)
Mrs. Karen Johnson (Math, Consumer Ma…)
Mrs. Karen B. Johnson (General Math 1…)
Mrs. Maggie Johnson (Business Law, Ty…)
Mrs. Margaret M. Johnson (192…)
Rob Johnson (1977 -Am. Hist, Eng. )
Sgt. Robert L. Johnson (Military 1968…)
Shameria Johnson (Currently -In-Scho…)
Miss Ethel Johnston (Art 1927…)
Miss Laura A. Johnston (Engli…)
Mrs. Anne Johnston (Office Secretary …)
Coach Bill Joiner (Head Coach…)
Bobbye Raye Jones (Commercial 1953 -…)
Coach Edward H. Jones (Social Studies…)
Coach George F. "Snoozy" Jones (Socia…)
Ella Jones (Typing And Record Keeping…)
Ellen Jones (English 1928 -1939)
Juanita Jones (Commercial 1963 -1965)
Mary Jones (Secretary 1964 -1966)
Mr. Charles A. Jones (World History A…)
Mr. Gilbert Jones (English 19…)
Mr. James T. Jones (Veteran Training …)
Mrs. E. W. Jones (Typing 1970 -1971)
Mrs. Frances D. Jones (Science And Ch…)
S. F. C. John B. Jones (Military 1956…)
Mrs. Deltha Jordan (Home Economics 1970s)
Mr. Marvin Karp (D. E. And D. O. 1949 -…)
M/Sgt Francis "Frank" Keenan
Mrs. Sandra Kelley (Record Keep…)
Louise Kelly (Mathematics 1928 -1929)
Mr. Randy Kelly (Business Math, Bussi…)
Louise S. Kendrick (English 1963 -1964)
Catherine D. Kennedy (History 1924 -…)
Mr. Ross Kessler (English 1972 -1973)
Mrs. Mary Jewell Anderson K…
Mr. Sidney Garth Kimbrough (V…)
Bernard King (Current Aide)
Corrie King (English 1948 -1955)
Miss Adele M. Kirk (Mathematics And H…)
Ms Mary Ann Klatt (English 1990s)
Jacqueline Knight (General Science 19…)
Mrs. Ann Knighton (Social Studies Dep…)
Mrs. Sybil B. Knox (1925-2018
Miss Margaret Kornegay (History And D…)
Marie Kostick (Principal)
Coach Mathew Lair (History And Athlet…)
Shalandra Lamar (History)
Coach Jerry Lambert (Biology And Athl…)
Mrs. Vera Lampley (Physical Science 1…)
Stephen Landrum (Currently Teaching S…)
Mr. John C. Langley (Maintenance Supe…)
Mrs. Bessie Langley (1943 -1944)
Jennie P. Langworthy (Science 1964 -…)
Mrs. Allene Larkins (English 1952 -1954)
Mrs. Alice Latham (Spanish 1967 -1968)
Mr. James O. Lawrence (Science And Ph…)
Mrs. Josie Lawrence (Social Studies A…)
Sister Lawrence (Driving 1940 -1941)
Katie W. Laws (Diversified Occupation…)
Mrs. Laura Leavell (English And North…)
Isabel Ledyard (Mathematics A…)
Mrs. Loette Lee (Messick Alge…)
Mr. Rene Claude Leveque (Fren…)
Mr. Kyle R. Leverette (Mathem…)
Mrs. Helen M. Leverette Stewart (Comm…)
Annie Ayres Lewis (Mathematics 1924 -…)
Dana Lewis (French 1972 -1973)
Homer Neal Lewis (Vocational Education)
James Lewis (Manual Arts, Athle…)
Pauline Lewis (Current Cnp)
Miss Sadie Lide (Mathematics 1928 -1962)
Winifred Lion (1939 -1941)
Coach James Cliff Little, III
Coach William "Billy" H. Li…
Mr. Wallace C. Locke (Voc…)
Miss June Long (1940 -1942)
Clara A. Longshore (Commercial 1961 -…)
Mrs. Dora Lozano (1940 -1943)
Miss Jo Anne Lucci (English, …)
Mr. Burnon Lydic, Jr. (Econom…)
Miss Margaret Lynch (1938 -1944)
Mrs. Carole Payne Mackin Smith
Mr. John Maddaloni (Health And Athlet…)
Mr. Dwight Madison (Administrative As…)
Sherrie E. Maginness (Science, Biolog…)
Jean Manes (Currently Teaching Spanish)
Miss Bertha Mann (History 192…)
Mr. Hershell Mann (Biology And Physic…)
Mr Robert Maples (Geometry And Algebr…)
Mrs. Amy Mapp (World History And LAMP…)
Doris M. Marietta (English, F…)
Miss Sue Marlar (Vocational 1937 -1942)
Miss Nona Marshall (Science 1949 -1950)
Mr. Quintin Marshall (English 1990s)
S/Sgt William C. Marshall (Military 1…)
Mr. Charles Martin (Government, Econo…)
Judy Marvin (Algebra And General Math…)
S/Sgt. James O. Mashburn (Military 19…)
Mr. James H. Mason, Jr. (Science And …)
Julianne Mathews (Biology And General…)
Mr. Floyd Mathews (Am. History And At…)
Mrs. Genie Blue Howard Mathews
Annie Mathis (Current 9th Grade Guida…)
Rachel Mathison (1966 -1967)
Mr. Floyd Matthews (American History …)
Mrs. Julia Ann Matthews (Science 1948…)
Barbara Mayes (French 1960s)
Mrs. Mae Mays (Guidance Office Secret…)
Mr. Joel Stephen McAliley (English 1960s)
Mr. Earl C. McArthur, Jr. (So…)
Mr. Virgil B. McCain (1938 -…)
Mrs. Betty McCall (Secretary 1980s)
Mr. J. Samuel McCants (Princi…)
Miss Kathleen McCartney (History 1929…)
Girdy McChesney (Commercial A…)
Mrs. Shirley McClain (English And LAM…)
Kercilda McClarin (Currently -Career…)
Coach Graham McClintock (Comm…)
Alma M. McClurkin
Miss Jennie McConnell (Ap Biology 198…)
Mrs. Merle Looney McCorkle (E…)
Mr. Willie McCraney (Drivers' Educati…)
Miss Mary King McCrary (Mathematics 1…)
Allene L. McCreary (English And Histo…)
Col. Leon H. McCurdy (Mechani…)
Jean McCurdy (Biology 1954 -1955)
Jimmie McDavid (English 1922 -1925)
Mrs. Bertie McDuffy (History, Governm…)
Tyrone Mcfadden (Currently Teaching J…)
Mrs. Margaret McGough (Englis…)
Mr. William M. McGraw (Vet. T…)
Mrs. Pauline McInnis (Lunchro…)
Mr. Archie B. McKay (English …)
Mr. A. K. McKemie (Principal …)
Peggy McKeny (Assistant Lunchr…)
Mr. Robert P. McKinnon (Scien…)
Miss Ione McKnight (1942 -1943)
Miss Hazel McLendon (1940 -1941)
Mr. Carlton McLendon (1912-20…)
Mr. John C. McLendon (Mathematics And…)
Mr. Irving G. McNayr (1938 -…)
Mr. E. C. McNees (Commercial,…)
Mrs. Pamela McQueen (Librarian 1990s)
Estelle McWhorter (Library)
Miss Zella McWhorter (Science…)
Shell Meadows (Current Cnp)
Mr. Marion Medders (Social St…)
Eva Meek (Latin 1924 -1930)
Alfreda Meeks (Early Childhood/Career…)
Coach James Melton (History A…)
Mr. Grady M. Meredith (Art 19…)
Sarah Anne Meriwether (Commercial And…)
Mrs. Anne F. Merlini (Office …)
Mr. Douglas Michaels (General Math An…)
Miss Ethel L. Miller (English And His…)
Mrs. Jane Miller (Guidance Secretary …)
Mrs. Nellie Miller (Math 1990s)
Ola Jean Miller (Commercial 1962 -1965)
Ceil Ansley Mills (Champion E…)
Grace V. Mills (English 1959 -1966)
Miss Betty Mills (Distributive Educat…)
Mrs. Mary Nell Mills (Mathema…)
Mrs. Wilma Minor (Data Entry 1990s)
Gwendolyn Missildine (Commercial -19…)
Anita Mitchell (Home Economics 1932-1933)
Mrs. Asher W. Mitchell (1938 -1940)
Mrs. Bessie Rhodes Maultsby…
Mrs. Fran Mitchell (History 1990s)
S/Sgt. Robert Mitchell (Military 1965…)
Mrs. Mildred Ford Moffitt (En…)
Coach Richard Moncrief (Head Coach 20…)
Marjory Monroe (Dietitian 1960s)
Cassandra Montgomery (Current Special…)
Margaret Moody (Spanish, American Gov…)
Mrs. Eva M. Mooneyham (Histor…)
Sarah B. Mooneyham (Science And Biolo…)
Dorothy "Dot" Moore (English And Spee…)
Mrs. Earline Moore (Art 1980s-1990s)
Mrs. Mary Vee Urso Moore (Eng…)
Coach Clinton C. Moore, Jr. (Coach 19…)
Shayla Moorer (Currently Teaching Spe…)
Alma Moreno (Spanish 1948 -1954)
Miss Juliette Hampton Morgan
Mrs. Gayle Morgan (Business Education…)
Mrs. Georgia Wagner Morgan (M…)
Coach Douglas Moseley (Economics And …)
Coach William "Bill" Gr…
Mrs. Adine Moseley (History And Guida…)
Helen Motes (Leverette Stewar…)
Annie Ruth Mount (Singing 1965 -1966)
Lenona Mullins (Social Studies 1963 -…)
Mrs. Janice Mullins (Library Clerk 19…)
Mrs. Julie Mullins (Lamp Math 1987 -…)
Virginia Murphy (Lunchroom Assistant …)
Mrs. Bessie Murray (Retract Manager 1…)
Angela Murrell (Current Special Educa…)
Mr. Paul Musselman (History 1948 -1949)
Jeanette Mutchler (Physical Education…)
Lt. Col. William H. Naftel
Mr. J. J. Newman (Manual Arts 1922 -…)
Mrs. Sandra Newton (D. E. , Career Orie…)
Mr. Myron Nobles (Maintenance Enginee…)
Virginia W. Norris (Commercial 1964 -…)
Judy O'Daniel (Librarian 1960 -1961)
Coach James Goodwyn Oliver (Comm. , 19…)
Denise B. Oliver (Drivers' Education …)
Mr. Don Oswald
Mrs. Dina Oti (Spanish And English 19…)
Lila Overstreet (Mathematics 1922 -1923)
Mr. Larry Owens (Drama 1990s)
Mrs. Allie Owens (Office 1947 -1950)
Marguerite Page (Science 1922 -1923)
Miss Josephine Page (D. E. , D. O. , And …)
Mrs. Paige (Staff 1950-1951)
Dana Palmer (French 1973 -1974)
Miss Mildred Pankey (1942 -1944)
Carolyn C. Parker (French 1965 -1968)
Mary Beth Parker (English 1963 -1964)
Mrs. Marian Parker (Parker)
Cheryl Parliament (Currently Teaching…)
Miss Lisa Parma (Algebra, Geometry, C…)
S/Sgt Kenneth E. Parsons (Military 1…)
Anita Patterson (Spanish And History …)
Elizabeth Ann Patton (1966 -1967)
Erica Patton (Currently Teaching History)
Ashaki Payne (Special Education Aide)
Lucile Peach (English 1937 -1940)
Miss Susie Peach (English 192…)
Lou Pearson (Family Living 1970s)
Mr. Marvin H. Pearson (Mathem…)
Rose Penn (Current 12th Grade Guidanc…)
Coach Doc Penton (Head Coach 1919 -1921)
Mr. Early C. Perdue (Veteran …)
Mrs. Betty S. Perdue (Singing…)
Miss Rosa Perkins (Spanish 1946 -1948)
Mr. Charlie Grant Perkins (1945 -1946)
Mrs. Lisa Perritt (Geometry, Algebra …)
Margaret Perry (Commercial 1932-1933)
Mr. Melvin Perry (Physical Educ…)
Mrs. Eloise Perry (1947 -1949)
Miss Mary Elmore Persons (Eng…)
Mr. Zack Pettway (Band Director 1989 …)
Miss Madeline Petznick (1944 …)
Sharonda Phelps (Science)
Mrs. Anne Phillips (Lamp Guidance Cou…)
Mrs. Dorothea Phillips Putnam
Miss Eleanor Pickard (1941 -1943)
Mrs. Ella Pierce Chastain (Sc…)
Emily Pitts (English 1928 -1930)
Marcia Plaster (Art 1972 -1973)
Linda Ruth Pledger (Mathematics -196…)
Calvert Ponders (Current Building Sup…)
Mrs. Karen Ponds (Math 1990s)
Capt. Charles F. Pope, Jr. (Military …)
Thaddeus Porter (Currently Teaching E…)
Coach Neal Posey (History And…)
Mrs. Posey (Office 1950 -1952)
Miss Lelia Kate Poyner (Latin…)
Mrs. Judy Pratt (Spanish And …)
Mrs. Kathy Wood Pressley (Lamp Math, …)
Eugenia Price (English 1963 -1964)
Frances L. Price (Art 1956 -1957)
Lucy Moore Price (Math, Algebra, Geom…)
Mr. Price (Science 1950 -1952)
Mr. Jesse L. Price (Science, Chemistr…)
Mrs. Rita A. Price (Physical Educatio…)
Mrs. Terri Price (Geometry, Algebra, …)
Miss Judith N. Pritchett (Singing And…)
Miss Ethel Pruett (D. E. And D. O. 1946…)
Echo P. Puckett (1927-2017 Sc…)
Janet Puckett (Physical Education 196…)
Margaret Pyne (English 1927 -1928)
Coach John Ragland (American History …)
Mr. Jackson "Jack" Hobbie R…
Carline Ramage (Commercial 1958 -1961)
Mr. W. G. "Bill" Rambo (American Hist…)
Dierdra Ramsey (Curriculum And Instru…)
Mr. Richard M. Ramsey (Scienc…)
Corella Rawls (Spanish 1964 -1965)
Elizabeth Rawls (Home Economics 1922 …)
Gloria Rayburn (Science 1968 -1969)
Mr. R. E. Reddock (1945 -1946)
Mr. Jack Reed (Physics 1980s-1990s)
Miss Eloise Reynolds (1940 -1941)
Mr. Jesse Preston Reynolds (Drivers' …)
Mrs. Evelyn Reynolds (English, North …)
Anacile Riggs (Distributive Ed. 1953 …)
Coach Joe Riley (Commercial 1937 -19…)
Yvonne Rivers (American History 1972 …)
Mr. G. C. Robinson (1946 -1947)
Mrs. Gayle Rogers
Miss Blanche Rollings (Regular Supern…)
Bertha T. Rowell (Science 1966 -1968)
Sally F. Roy (Speech And English 1959…)
Varna Rusheon (English 1973 -1974)
Mrs. Eloise Rushing (1941 -1943)
Mr. Fred Russell (Drivers' Ed. And At…)
Mr. Jack B. Rutland (Veteran Training…)
Mr. James E. Ryan (Manual Arts 1963 -…)
Coach James J. Ryba (Coach 19…)
Mr. Jasper Salary (Gen. Science, Bio. …)
Susan R. Salter (Home Economics 1959 …)
Marilyn Sanders (Math)
Mrs. Barbara Sanders-Oates (English A…)
Coach Sandusky (Athletics 1955 -1956)
Mr. William Sansom (Distributiv…)
Mrs. Claudette Fleming Sans…
Martha Scales (Home Economics 1974 -…)
Mr. Raburn F. Scarborough (Co…)
Mr. Richard Schmidt (Veteran Training…)
Olive Schmidt (English 1950 -1951, 1…)
Col. Charles Glenn Scott (Professor O…)
Margaret Payne Scott (English 1928 -…)
Capt. Lorin B. Screen (Military 1943 …)
Lovell Seals (Current 11th Grade Assi…)
Ms Rochelle Seals (Business 1991 -1992)
Donna Seay (Distributive Education 19…)
Rebecca R. Segrest (Science 1964 -1966)
Mrs. Fanny Lockett Marks Se…
Elizabeth Seller (Cnp)
Mrs. Gayle Sellers (Business Educatio…)
Miss Julia Sewell (1942 -1943)
Peggy Sewell (Biology 1960s)
Sgt. Major Tideaus Shamburger (Milita…)
Claire Shannon (1929 -1930)
Mr. Richard Shelburne (French I, II, …)
Margaret B. Shepherd (English 1963 -…)
Mrs. Lenora C. Sherlock (Mathematics …)
Mrs. Sherman (Office 1950 -1951)
Curtis Shufford (Current Custodian)
Mr. James Sides (1928-201…)
Coach Charles David Sikes (He…)
Mrs. Connie Sikes (Health And Athleti…)
M/Sgt. Harwell Simms (Military 1958 -…)
Mr. James M. Simon (Veteran Training …)
Mrs. Rosemary Simpson (Algebra, Geome…)
Anne S. Sinclair (Science 1965 -1968)
Col. Loy A. Singleton (Englis…)
Mr. Strafford Singleton (Biology 1970…)
Ardelia Skipper (10th Grade Guidance …)
Mrs. Frances Smart (1942 -1944)
Miss Clyde Smilie (Commercial…)
Mrs. Tade Smilie (American History 1990s)
Alice Smith (English 1922 -1923)
Capt. Lawrence Smith (Military 1952 -…)
Miss Candy Smith (Math 1990 -1992)
Mr. Bobby Smith (Athletics, Health, A…)
Mr. David R. Smith (Science 1928 -1940)
Mr. Frederick B. Smith
Mr. J. C. Smith (English 1958 -1961)
Mr. Nathaniel Smith (Drivers' Educati…)
Mr. William Smith (Vocational Educati…)
Sara Smith (Modern Languages 1934 -1938)
Sgt. Ray T. Smith (Military S…)
Talia Smith (History)
Mr. R. M. Snuggs (1942 -1944)
Elizabeth Somerville (Mathematics 192…)
O. P. South (History 1927 -1928)
Ken Spear (Currently Teaching E…)
Mrs. Mary Alice Spear (Lamp Math And …)
Mrs. Charlotte Speight (Mathe…)
Mr. Rick Speigner (Band Director 1980s)
Chandra Spicer (Math Coach)
Anne Elizabeth Spinks (Englis…)
Miss Jean Sprecher (1945 -1946)
Mrs. Marie Stafford (Algebra,…)
Mr. Charles Stapp (1942 -1943)
Mr. Ralph A. Steele (1941 -1942)
Mrs. Elon Steinberg (English 1980s)
Coach William "Sonny" Step…
Mrs. Carol Casey Stephenson (English …)
Mrs. Marian Stephenson (Guidance Coun…)
Ruth Sadler Stephenson (Commercial, T…)
Mr. William Don Stevens (Economics An…)
Mrs. Ruth Stevenson (Typing, Business…)
Andrea Stewart (Currently Teaching Sp…)
Sfc Jerry Stewart (Military 1965 -1966)
Rosemarie Still (Livings)
Miss Eliza Stokes (1938 -1942)
Mrs. Merita Stovall (English 1990 -1991)
Miss Lena Street (1946 -1947)
Major Horace Stringfellow (Mi…)
Mashonda Strong (Currently Teaching H…)
Miss Margaret Ruth Sturgis (1…)
Miss Frances Sullivan (1941 -1942)
Mrs. Barbara Sullivan (Health Occupat…)
Mrs. Lynn Sullivan (English 1980s -1…)
M/Sgt. Burl Q. Sumlin (Milita…)
Lucretia Summers (Assistant Librarian…)
Mrs. Caraly Moorhead Sumners
Jeanita Sumpter (Current Special Educ…)
Mr. H. G. Swain (1944 -1945)
Neva Mae Sweat (Science, Chemistry, B…)
Mr. A. H. Taber (1940 -1941)
Mrs. Jane A. Taber (Office 1948 -1951)
Mr. Tom Talton (American Hist. , And W…)
Miss Anne Tate (1940 -1947)
Miss Jean Tate (Music 1937 -1940)
Miss Julie Tatum (Physical Ed…)
Bertha A. Taunton (Science 1962 -1963)
Dorothy Taylor (English 1948 -1968)
Miss Edythe Taylor (Office 1952 -1955)
Mrs. Bonnie Taylor (Home Economics 19…)
Mrs. Madelyn Taylor (English And Blue…)
Patricia Taylor (Current Cnp)
Robert Taylor (Current Security)
Sonya Taylor (English)
Mr. Barry Elvin Teague (Drivers' Educ…)
Coach Robert "Bob" L. Teel (Social St…)
Douglas Terrell (Currently Teaching P…)
Miss Annie Wilson Terry (English And …)
Mrs. Eula B. Thetford (1948 -1949)
Donald J. Thielke (History 1960 -1961)
Mr. Christopher Thomas (Drivers' Educ…)
Mrs. Blanche Thomas (English And Libr…)
Dorothy Thompson (Math 1967 -1968)
Mary Thompson (History 1932 -1935)
Mr. George Thompson (Am. Govt. , Econo…)
Mr. Willie Tyson Thompson (Chemistry,…)
Mrs. Ann B. Thompson (English, Speech…)
Miss Mary Katherine Thornton (1941 -…)
Mrs. Allean Thornton (General Math An…)
Mrs. Ella M. Thurman (Social Studies,…)
Mr. David Wayne Thursby (American Gov…)
Mrs. Sandra Till (English 1990s)
Shelia Tillis (Currently Teaching Dri…)
Florence Tims (Science 1923 -…)
Bettye Todd (Currently -Career Tech. )
Mr. Donald Todd (Mathematics 1958 -1959)
Sergeant Toland (1941 -1942)
Johnnie Tolbert (Currently Teaching P. E. )
Annella R. Trobaugh (Guidance Coun, C…)
Charles E. Tucker (Biology 1959 -1961)
Cynthia Tucker (English 1980s; Curren…)
Miss Jack Tucker (Typing 1951 -1953)
Mr. Robert Tucker (Science 1964 -1965)
Mr. Troy C. Tullis (1945 -1946)
Ruth Turner (Commercial 1923 -1924)
Mrs. Karen Tylicki (Math 1989 -1991)
Jeanetta Underwood (Currently Teachin…)
Jerome Upshaw (Currently Teaching Spe…)
Major B. B. Vail (Military Training 1…)
Miss Adelaide Vail (1946 -1947)
Mr. J. J. Valenti (Veteran Training 1…)
Sara Luz Valenzuela Smith (Spanish 19…)
Mr. William Van Gildre (Gen. Math, Al…)
Sgt. Luther J. Vance (R. O. T. C. 1949 -…)
Mrs. Carolyn Varner (English …)
Miss Mary Beth Vaughn (1940 -1941)
Josephine Venable (Science 1965 -1966)
Mrs. Nell S. Venable (Soc. St…)
Mr. Wallace T. Vernon (D. E. , …)
Mr. James F. E. Vinson, Jr. (Economic…)
June H. Waites (Commercial 1956 -1957)
Maggie Walker (Career Technical Educa…)
Miss Ermine Walker (Social St…)
Miss Marjorie Walker (1939 -1940)
Mrs. Walker (Diversified Occupations …)
Mrs. Robbie J. Walker (English And Re…)
Pat Wallace (Guidance Secretary 1976 …)
Sgt Wallace (R. O. T. C. 1948 -1949)
James Walter (Science)
Miss Louise Walter (1946 -1947)
Sarah Walters (English 1965 -1968)
Carol D. Walton (English And Spanish …)
Mrs. Ward (Diversified Occupations 19…)
Nina Ward (1929 -1930)
Virginia E. Ward (English 1963 -1965)
Miss Eva Warr (Social Studies…)
Jacqueline Lloyd Washingtom
Charlesa Washington (Currently Teachi…)
Martha T. Watson (1944 -1945)
Mr. Harold L. Weatherby (Manu…)
Mary Allen Weaver (Social Studies 196…)
Mrs. Janice Webb (Business …)
Juanita Webster (Commercial 1965 -1968)
Coach A. B. "Pep" Wells (History, At…)
Mrs. Annie G. Wells (Science And Biol…)
Prentiss F. Wells (Military 1…)
Zola Wesiey (Latin 1922 -1924)
Mrs. Mary Westbrook (Spanish I And Ii)
Mary Celia Whatley (Math 1963 -1964)
Mrs. Jewel Whatley (Math, Alg…)
Coach Angelo Wheeler (Head Coach 2010…)
Virginia Wheeler (Commercial 1923 -1924)
LaTonya Whetstone (Currently Teaching…)
Candice White (Currently Teaching Sci…)
Cynthia White (Currently Teaching Car…)
Alice S. Whiting (French, Spanish, La…)
Miss Maggie M. Whitlow (1946 -1947)
Sarah Anne Wilbanks (Commercial 1958 …)
Margaret Wilber (1924 -1925)
Mr. T. W. Wilkes (1941 -1942)
Murrell Wilkins (Comm. , Bus. Law, Bus…)
Lt. Col. W. L. Willey (Military 1950 …)
Antonio Williams (Current Princ…)
Brian Williams (Current Head Basketba…)
Clintoria Williams (Library Aide)
Mr. George Williams (Vocational Agric…)
Mr. Kenneth Williams (Math 1980s -1990s)
Mr. S. Williams (Office 1955 -1956)
Mrs. Anna Williams (Basic Math And Al…)
Mrs. Sarah Williams (Tmr Bus Driver 1…)
Officer Williams (Current Security Of…)
Rebecca Jane Williams (Commercial 196…)
Sam Williams (Current Assistant Coach)
Veronica Williams (English 1973 -1974)
Wilmyrth L. Williams (Office Secretar…)
Mr. Felix M. Williams, Jr. (Veteran T…)
Mrs. Beverly Williamson (Guidance Cou…)
Coach Robert "Bobby" C. Wilson
Gardenia Wilson (Currently Teaching C…)
Joann Wilson (Career Tech. )
Mrs. Lillian Wilson (Science 1990s)
Mrs. Juliette Wimberly (English And E…)
Mr. Charles L. Witherington
Miss Leontine Wolff (Science …)
Mrs. Sonya T. Womack (1939-20…)
Mr. Paton L. Woodham (Mathema…)
Mrs. Evelyn M. Woodham (D. E. And D. O. …)
Ethel M. Word (D. E. And Caree…)
Doris Wright (Registrar 1970s)
Levi Wright (Currently Teaching Caree…)
Margaret Anne Wright (Physical Direct…)
Mrs. Doris Wright (Guidance Secretary…)
Nancy W. Wurm (English 1963 -1964)
Miss Lucretia Wyman (Mathemat…)
Thelma Yarbrough (English 195…)
Mr. R. C. Yearly (Veteran Training 19…)
Mr. Harry W. Yocum (Comm. And…)
Mrs. Evelyn Grey McAdory Ze…
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