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Theresa Abelle
Earl Alford
Julia A. Allen
Ruby Allen
Jeanne C. Anderson
Mary Tom Armstrong
Richard Armstrong
Virginia Armstrong (Scott)
Sam Arn, Jr. (1922-2003)
Clarence G. Arnold (1920-1974)
Emma Jean Athey (Seabrooks 19…)
Katie Axelrod
Rosie Axelrod
Lena B. (Rush 1921-2007)
Homer Babcock
Frances Bagley
Marilyn Bagley
Alma Baker
Lynn Baker
Elizabeth "Betty" Frances …
James G. Ballard
William "Billy" E. Barkley (1921-…)
Betsy A. Barnes
Elizabeth "Betty" H. Barnes
Harold Barnes
Rawdon Barnes
Josephine Barr
M. Michael Barrett
Ruth Barry
Grace Batton
Charles S. Bauman (1922-2007)
Sara Bayne
Mary Vaughn Beall (Ramsay 1921-1996)
Elizabeth Bedsole
Armond Bell (1919-1949)
Harold Bellinger (1918-1996)
James S. Benefield (1921-2001)
Gloria Beringer
Marjorie Beringer
Julia Mae Berry (Smith 1922-2017)
Lanelle Berryman
Robert H. Berthaume (1920-1998)
Bernard Biggs
Kate Billings
Cliff Blackerby
Marie Blackwell
Sara Blackwell
Lorene Blythe
Jean Bomar
Katherine Boney
Joyce Borg
Jean Borman
Samuel "Sam" Laird Borroughs
William C. Boswell, Sr. (1920-1971)
Dollie Bouterse
Myrtle Bowen
Emile Bowick (1921-1984)
Charles Bowman
Ann Boyd
Frances Boyd
Josephine Boyd
Louie A. Boyd (1918-1981)
Rubye Boyd
Richard Wallace "Wally" Bozeman, Sr.
Barbara Brady
Robert Jackson Brantley
Eugenia Bridges (Sachar 1921-…)
Bill F. Brooks
Dorothy Brooks
Elmer Brooks
Fred Browick
Charlotte Brown
Daphne Brown (Etheridge 1922-2001)
Marion Brown
Mary Margaret Brown
Martha Bruner
Thomas Bruner
Bobbie Ruth Bryant
Edward Bryant
Lena Buffington
Frances Bull
Frank C. Bunn (1922-2000)
Margie L. Burdette
Rush Pearson Burke, Jr. (1921-1974)
Broody Burlova
Beatrice Burnette
Virginia Burns
Dollie Burterse
Marian Burton
Harry Butler
Katherine Josephine Butler
Rachel Butler
Verdine Butler (Williams)
Ann Butt (Boroughs Lyerly 192…)
Raymond Mendel Butts (1918-1961)
Jean Cain
Christine Campbell
Evelyn Campbell
Nancy Sue Canter (Durham 1922…)
Willie Frances Carlisle
Dan Carmichael
R. E. Carr
Edna Carter
Nancy Carter
Stanley Carter
W. C. Carter
Betty Mae Causey
Catherine Chanceller
Mary Wilson Chapman
U. S. Cherse
Thomas Chesnutt
W. C. Chesser
Edward Clark
Florentine Claxton (Jones 1921-1996)
Lucia T. Clement (Hasty 1922-…)
Nancy A. Clifton (Calhoun 192…)
Elizabeth Juliette Clinkscales
Annie Clyde Collier
Ruth C. Collins
Handley Woodworth Cook (1922-2002)
Jack Cook
James D. Cook
Sara Elizabeth Cook
Jimmie Cooper
Love Edwards Corbitt
Dr. Lawrence Westall Cottle (1922…)
Scarge Cowan
Dorothy B. Cowham (Schneider 1923…)
Frances Marie Cox
Venetia Cranford
Charles Crapo
Mary Eleise Cravy
Lucile Creamer
Opal Crowder
Dorothy Crowe
Frances Crowell
William "Billy" Barton …
Dorothy Crump (Wise 1919-2007)
Jack Crump
Theodore Cuellar
Jeanne Dallen
Sam Chester Damon
Joe H. Darby (1919-1999)
Marie Davies
Emmett S. Davis (1921-2006)
Jack Davis
Anne Davison
Ann Dawson
Helen S. Dawson (Dozier)
Annette Ward Day
Charles W. "C. W. " Dean, Jr.
Frank DeLoach
Edward L. DeMotte (1922-2002)
Edward C. Denson
William H. Dent, Jr. (1921-1998)
Maurice DePriest
Louise DeShields (Larson 1923…)
Rose Marie Diamond
Cliff Allen Dickens
Herbert Dickey
Mary Frances Dilbeck
Ray Allen Dillard (1920-1998)
Frances Dixon
James W. Dornell
James Philip Doster
John Dozier
George L. Drake
Margaret E. Drake (1922-1999)
Charles B. Driver
Eula Belle Duncan (Quinn 1921…)
Mary Frances Duncan
Gertrude Eagerton
Lillian Leon Earnest
Jewell Helen Edwards
Mary Cecil Edwards
Ruth Edwards (Taylor 1922-2016)
Jack Eley
Billy Embry
Berry Lee Esco (1921-2009)
Evelyn Faith Etheridge (1922-…)
Henry Harris Etheridge
Frank Eubank
John Robert "Bobby" Evans
Stell Evans
William "Billy" Elbert Evans
Marjorie Fairchild
Claire Fannin
Anne Faulkenberry
Douglas Findley
Charles Fischer
Cleaborne Fischer
Claire Flournoy
Fred Flournoy
Audrey Flowers
Earl Flowers
Mary Jo Flurry (1920-2011)
Orgew Elaine Flurry (Fowler)
Scott Forrester
Tharpe Forrester (1922-2010)
Lorraine Forshey
Mary Edith Foshee (Jones 1922…)
James T. "Pie Boy Perry" Fo…
John Fretwell
Dorothy Ann Fry
Jack Richardson Frye
Bernice Gafford
Sarah Gaines
Georgia P. Gallis
Louis Ganies
Lorraine Page Gannon (Brooks)
Elizabeth Gardner
Mary Ellen Gates
James Gerhard
Ray Belle Gilpin
Merrill Girardeau
Mendell Given
Doris Glawson (Wilkinson 1925-2004)
George W. "Bud" Glawson (1923-1985)
Alfred Goldthwaite (1921-1997)
Mary Alice Goodson
Earline Goodwin (Mason)
Mary Gordon
Muriel Truman Goree (Gilmore 1921…)
Marion Gorrie (1922-2000)
Virginia Graham
Clyde Wayne Grant (1921-2015)
James C. Grant (1917-1999)
Annie Grace Gray
Clarence Gray
Virginia Green
Willodean Grier
James Clyde Griffin
Lamar Griffin
Thomas Griffin
William Griffin
Harry Robert Hadden, Jr.
Sadie Webb Hails
Joe Hale
Elizabeth Hall
Eula Lurene Hall (Johnson 1922-1997)
Hildreth Hall
Jesse Clyde Hall
Bobby Hamel
Wilma Hammon
Jean Moore Hancock
Jane Hannum
Danna Wilma Harding (Vinyard 1922…)
Davis Hargrove
Doris Lanette Hargrove (Stanl…)
Jane Hargrove
Dorothy Harmon
Jane Harmon
Madie Elsie Harper
Aaron Harris
Alein Harris
Evelyn Harris
Nell Harris (Sherman 1922-2013)
Ray Harris
Richard Harris
Elaine Harrison
Linwood Hatfield
Eleanor Vernon Hatton (Thompson)
Phillip H. Heard (1922-1998)
Anne Helburn
Joyce Helmick
Josephine Helms (Galley 1922-…)
Fannie Ellen Henry
Kathleen Herndon
Ardelia Irma Herring
Bobby Herring
Mary Frances Herring
Charles Hester
Lena Hicks
Loyd Hightower, Jr.
Lanelle Hill
Mary Elizabeth Hill
Rita Hill
Hazel Hines
Betty Holcomb
Hoyt Holder
Richard Taylor Holley (1920-2008)
Eleanor Holton
Frances Holtwanger
Edith Hooper
Emma Lou Hooper
John Franklin Hooper (1923-1992)
Joseph Horn
James Miller Horner
Lillian Houghton
Edward Houlditch
Howard Houston
Victor Hovis
Lovette Hudson
Luvola Frances Huffstutler
James "Jimmie" F. Huggins (1924-2010)
Thaddeus "Thad" Watts H…
Margaret Louise Hurley
Nell Hurley
William Martin Ingalls
Dorothy Ivey
William "Bill" G. Jackson (1919-2000)
Franklin H. James (1922-2013)
Martha Ellen James (Hopkins)
Madge Jarrard (Sorrell 1922-1986)
Nan Jeffcoat
Emile Jehle
Harry Walter Jehle (1932-…)
Audrey Belle Jernigan
Donald Johnson
Ida Elizabeth Johnson
Leroy Johnson
Luther W. Johnson
Mildred Johnson
Parley Philip Johnson
Ruth Johnson
Dixie Jones
Elizabeth Jones
Jeanne Carol Jones
Laurens W. Jones (1922-2002)
Robert Jones
William E. Jones
Ann Carolyn Jordan
Ernest L. Jordan
Martha Jane Jordan (Brown 192…)
Julia Aldean Justice (Parker …)
Bernice E Kasover (Abalove)
Dorothy Keith
Delbert Kelly
Elizabeth Kencey
Walter Kennick
Marjorie Kent
Irene Kilpatrick
Nella Kimbrough (Easterling 1…)
Joyce King
Keith King
Marzee Eveline King
Fred Kingman
Chester Knapp
Woodward "Woodie" Lamar
Robert Land
Percy W. Larkin (1922-1963)
Miriam Lassiter (Williams)
Laura Ledbetter
Charles C. Lee
Edna Frances Lee
Louise Lee
Mattie Lekas
Joseph Russell LeRoy
Archie Lett
Dorothy Lewis
Sara Lewis
Thomas Mason Light
Bart Lincoln
Daniel Link
Mary Alice Livingston
Geraldine Loe
Marjorie "Margie" Long (Hudso…)
Kenneth Lowry
Colin "Buster" Hubbert MacGuire
Donald James MacGuire
Thomas Machen
Mildred Mahan
Eleanor Maness (Dubis 1921-1976)
Fannie Ann Marquette
Tomnis Marquette
Heloise Marshall
Charles Herbert Martindale
Arthur W. Marxer (1922-2004)
Carolyn Mason (Kelly)
Ernestine Massey
James Matheny (1920-1979)
Genie Blue Mathews (Palmer 19…)
Marguerite Eugenia Mathiac
Maximilian "Max" Wellborn M…
Edith Adams Mays
Sarah Margaret Mays (Brown 1921-2004)
Elizabeth McAllister
Elizabeth McCain
Mary Frances McCardel (Bryant)
Margaret Louise McCreary (Reid)
Julia L. McDade
Irma McDaniel
Patricia Ann McDaniel
Frank McEachern (1923-1996)
Baker McElroy
Dorothy McElroy
Henrietta McElroy
Jack McGehee
Mildred McGehee
Jessie M. McGinty
Howard McGuff
Remay McGuffie
Andrew Carroll McLain (1919-2013)
Myra C. McLain (Brock)
Thomas "Tom" Oliver McLemore (192…)
Robert McLendon
Elizabeth McLeod
Theodore McLeod (1919-2007)
Arthur Stanley McMath (1919-1973)
Elizabeth McMurtrey
Nell McNeil
Betty Mead
Robert Meade
Mary Jo Melanson
Dr. Samuel Seelye Meriwether
Thomas Meriwether
Mary Christine Methvin
Emil Joseph "E. J. " Meyer, III
Travis Neal Miers (1921-1997)
James "Jim" Mills
Martha Mills
Myrtice Mims
Elizabeth Mitchell
Taylor McGowan "Mack" Mitchell
Janis Monsky
Mildred Mooneyham
Frances Moorer
Cleo May Morgan
Jean Morgan
Louis Morris
Rhoda Thelma Morris
Delwin R. Morrison (1922-2010)
Sara Mosley
Robert Vernon Mullen, Jr. (19…)
Robert G. Muncaster
Ella Lorena "Rena" Murphy
Marjorie Murphy
Troy Murrell, Jr. (1921-1988)
Martin Roland Nachman, Jr. (1…)
James Nall
Joan Nelson
Marion O. Nelson
Mary Alice Nelson
Patricia Nelson
Steve Nelson
Jane Ellen NeSmith
James R. Nettles (1918-2002)
Pauline Newton
Marilyn Noble
John Philip Noland
Chapman Nolen
Jeff Norman
Louie Charles Norris
Oscar Eugene Northington
Catherine Elouise Ogletree
Lucy Belle Owens
Mabel Wanda Paris
Frances Caroline Park
Florence Parker
Frances Estelle Parker
Opal F. Parker
Pershing Henry Parker
Harold Patrick
Samuel Lee Patton (1922-2017)
Peggy Paxton
Charles Glen Peacock
Marion Peagler
Betty Pearson
Eleanor Pearson
Margaret Peppin
Dorothy Lovette Perdue
Joe Perdue
Barton Heard Perry (1921-2004)
Jane Marie Perry
Guy Julius Phelps (1923-1980)
Joseph Kelton Pitt
Kittie M. Pitts
Marjorie Louise Pollard
Susan Pope
Agnes Porteous
Joe Porteous
Troas Pouncey
Helen Louise Powell
James "Jim" W. Powell (1920-2000)
Vera Ruth Prentiss
Betty Katherine Price (Swift …)
Hollis M. Price, Jr. (1921-2002)
Frederick "Fred" Wilkin…
Willis Pugh
Byron Purcell
Mary Frances Putnam
Osborne Sims Rainer, Jr. (-1942)
Gertrude Randall
John "Johnny" L. Ratley (1920-1998)
Betty Rawlings
Bernice Rawlinson
Barbara Darling Redding (Dent 192…)
Ralph Reynolds
Isabel Julia Rhodes
Betty Lloyd Richardson
Glenn B. Richardson
Kenneth Richbourg
John Richburg
Eugene Pierre Ridolphi
Eva Nell Robinson (Smith 1922…)
Martha Maria Rockey
Mary Eleanor Rodgers
Claudia Marie Rogers
Sultana S. Rousso (Melnick 19…)
Rachel Rowe
Frank Rowell
Gerald E. Rushton (1921-1985)
Kilby Rushton
Charles Russell
Mary Hope Russell
Jimmie Lee Sabel (1922-2008)
Richard T. Sandlin
Mary Frank Sanford
Rita Sanford
John Almond Sankey (1922-2002)
Mary Ann Savage
Wilmer Savage
Margaret K. Scarborough
Marion Frances Schell
Mary Elma Schell
Mary Schmidt
Ruth McCullough Schmidt
Alfred Scott
Frances Scott
Robert Tyler Scott (-2012)
Henry R. Seawell (1922-2005)
Mary Frances Segall
William Sexton
William Neil Sharp
Donald Shaver
Donald Edward Shaw (1921-2003)
George Shelton
Helen Shelton (Renz 1922-2002)
Miriam Louise Shepherd
Maurice Sherman
Barry O'Neil Shiflett (1922-2004)
Mary Lillian Shirley (Rosier …)
Roscoe Shirley
Katharine Simpson
Marjorie Simpson
Clayton C. Sims (1920-1994)
Dickie Sims
Imogene S. Sims
Eleanor Skales
Winfield W. Skinner (1921-1995)
Jim Slay
Billy Smith
George Henry Smith
Harvey George Smith (1920-1989)
J. S. Smith
J. T. Smith (1920-1980)
Leon Smith
Pattie Lou Smith
Sarah Helen Smith
Elizabeth Solomon
Margaret Southerland (Jones)
Martha Speed
John T. Spencer
Frances Jean Stanley
Virginia Steagall
James Harold Stearns
Martha F. Stearns
Grace P. Stephens
Frederick "Fred" H. Ste…
Mary Pearl Sterling
Mary Stevens
Marvin Stewart
Doris Stockard
Willie Stoddard (1922-1986)
Edward Stokes
Elizabeth Stokes
Mary E. Stoney
Mary Elizabeth Story (Kuh -2007)
Henry Stough
John Allen Stough (1922-1998)
Katherine Stough
Paul Rice Stowers
John Stratford
Willie Charles Strickland (1922-1995)
Helen L. Stuckey
Albert Clyde Sullivan
Mary Alice Sullivan
Thomas C. Summergill (1920-1960)
Travis Sutcliff
Mathilde Taber
Ed Tarton
Alice Taylor
James Taylor
Vesta Taylor
Walter Guy Teague
Elizabeth Temple
Henry Carlton Terry (1920-2006)
Allyn Mabson Thames (-2014)
Ernestine M. Thames
Norman Eugene Thielan (1920-1971)
Carol Thigpen
Frances Thigpen
James Thomas
Marion Thomas
John Harvey Thomas, Jr.
Frank Cooper Thomason
Lee O. Thompson (1917-1997)
McDuffie Thompson
Mary Ella Thorn
Russell Thornton
Annie Laurie Tillery
Hugh Edward Tisdale
Leonard Travis "Tobie" …
Sarah W. Townsend (Eastman 1921-1987)
Lewis Trawick
Carolyn Elizabeth Tresslar
David Truett (1921-1986)
Eleanor Tucker
Hortense Tucker
James W. Tucker
Myrla M. Tudor
Carolyn Turk
Carolyn Turner
Francis Gaynor Turner (1922-2012)
Jeanetta Turner (Lavin)
Geraldine Ophelia Underwood
Katherine Underwood (Cross 1922-2000)
Paul Ussery
William "Billy" H. Vail, CO…
Gertrude C. Van Egmond
Elizabeth Anne Vaughan
Ruby Lee Vaughn
Guy Vickers
Eleanor Vinson
Mary Edna Wade
Harry Walker
Mattie Ruth Walker (-2012)
Elaine Wallace
Waunita Warner
Edith Carolyn Warren
June Warren
Ernest A. Watkins
Martha Watson
Ottis Watson
Dorothy Weaver
Elizabeth Webb
Evelyn Webb
Geraldine Webb
DeWitt Welch
Millard E. Welch (1921-1959)
Luman N. Wells (1922-2001)
Marie West
Richard Matthews White
Dixie L. Whitten
Billy Wilkerson
John P. Wilkerson
Margaret Elizabeth "Betty" Wilkerson
Albert Williams
Dorothy Williams
Frances Lillian Williams
Irene A. Williams (Smith 1922…)
Jimmy Williams
Robert George Williamson
James W. Williford (1921-1995)
David Wilson
Helen Theresa Wilson
James Wilson
Ruth Windham (Neeley 1920-2001)
Floyd Windsor (1921-1976)
Ruth Witt
Alvin Wood
Milton LeGrand Wood, III
Joseph "Joe" C. Woodson (1920-2005)
John Wright
Margaret Wright
Agnes Pauline Wynn
Louise Young
Elizabeth Zackry
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