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Jewell Allen
Laura Elizabeth Arnold
William Ashley (1916-1988)
Sybil Axelrod
Orville Ewing Bach (1915-1998)
William Robert "Bob" Baggett
Allen Kendrick Baltzer
Martha Barnett
Theodore "Ted" Julius Bauman (191…)
Eric Bell, Jr.
William Edward Benns
Lettie Mazelle Berryman
Sarah "Sally" Baldwin Bethea
Belina Beton
Sarah Beton
Charles B. Blackshear (1918-2003)
Carr Blake
Mary Blan (Kitchens)
Anais Louise Boland
Martha Celestine Bost
Mary Kate Boswell
Wyly E. Brame (1917-1998)
Jeanne Ellen Breedlove
Ben Campbell Brewer
Mary Catherine Brooks (Brown)
Alphard L. Brown (1917-1998)
Joseph "Joe" Walker Brown (19…)
Robert W. Brown
Betty Lou Bryan
Clarence A. Buffington, Jr.
Marjorie Burroughs
Oliver Sherrell Busby (1914-1960)
Lucile Edna Calhoun
Jonnielyn Campbell (Sutton)
Richard A. Campbell
Harry Kendrick Carmichael (1915-1971)
Joseph Edward Chavers (1919-2008)
Sara Frances Clements (Blake …)
Augustus Kirby Clements, Jr. (191…)
Ria Jane Clinkscales
James Renderson Cobb
George Franklin Coleman, Jr.
Frances Compton (Ratcliff)
William "Bill" Haynes Compton
Doris Cook
Lottie Mae Cox
A. Lester Crockett
Doris Crow
Frances Irene Croxton
Joseph Leonard Cumbus (1918-1993)
Hazel Marie Darby
Betty Davidson
Catherine "Katie" Lee Davis
Charles Willis Davis
George Cullen "Bo" Dean, Jr.
Ruth Detwiler (Lavallet 1918-2003)
Lee Allen Dillard
Joseph Browder Dolbear (1918-2002)
Mary Amogene Drake (Grant)
Dorothy Eager
Edna Earle Eagerton (Harris 1918-…)
Rebecca Ehrlich
Catherine Louise Faircloth (Jacks…)
Mattie Laura Favor
Helen Finlay
Horace S. Fleming
James Drury Flowers
Mary Elizabeth Francis
Eutha Brumbaugh Frizzle (1917-1954)
Sylvia Frohlich
Harold Scott Gamble (1919-1951)
Phillipa Mae Gardner (Lofton …)
Richard M. Garrett
Martha Gastinger
Lois Girardeau
Alice Bridges Glass
Joe Edwards Goode
Ivan D. Grable (1917-2004)
Roy Graff
James Clanton Grant, Sr. (1917-1999)
Sarah Greer (Jones 1918-2005)
Georgia Lee Gunter (Harrelson…)
Louis Guy
William H. Hackney, Jr. (1918-2003)
Thomas George Hall
Zetelle Hammond (Felts 1917-2009)
Juanita Hare
Marjory Harper (Monroe 1918-2003)
Charles Andrew Harris, Jr. (1…)
Mary Sue Harrison
Albert Allen Hart
Harriette Williamson Harvey (Flou…)
James Hawthorne
Nellie Merle Hays
Alice Claire Helms (Butler 1918-2002)
Hazel Elizabeth Holder
? Holland
James T. Holley
Jack Howard Houk
Anna Frances House
Susie Hudgens
Robert J. "Jack" Hudson (1918-1997)
Inez Huggins (Noll 1918-2015)
Carl Truman Ingram
Tressie James (Ott 1919-2006)
Donnie Jeffcoat
Lilyan Johnson
Blanche M. Jones
Charlotte Carolyn Jones
Hannah Jones
Herbert A. Jones
Lois Jones
Richard Hooker Wilmer Jones
Willie Grace Jones
Elizabeth Katherine Keene
Mabel Ruth Kelley
Cumi Kelly
John Kelso
Fletcher Kersh
Virginia Wright Kirby
Amelia Lamar (Wheeler 1917-2004)
Marvin M. Lambert (1917-2009)
William Henderson Laseter
Annie Julia Lashley (Adams)
Jack Lott Lavallet, Sr. (1918-1967)
Louis L. Leach
Mary "Molly" Brooks Ledyard
William "Billy" Royce Lehman
Rebecca Leibovici
Richard D. Loftin
John Edward "Ed" Long
John Frederick Lotz, Jr.
Hugh Cameron MacGuire, MD (1918-2001)
Margaret Maloy (Taber)
Elsie Louise McChesney
Clarice McClellan
Louie Broughton McCord
John M. McCullough (1919-2005)
Ruth McDowell
Iola Elizabeth McFall
Joe Murry McGar (1918-1990)
Frank E. McGough
Grattan McGwier
Betty McKay (DeVries)
Alice Pauline McKenzie
Virginia McMillan
Jeanette McNabb
Wilma Mead
Clayton H. Merrell
Annie Laurie Mitchell (Newsom…)
Joseph "Joe" A. Mitchell, Jr.
William "Bill" Graham Moffat, Jr.
Lee Moody
Mary Elizabeth Moore (Beaird …)
Ruth Hanson Morgan
Elsie Morris (Dowling 1915-1945)
Eloise Moseley
Glynn L. Mosley (1916-2009)
Jimmy Luther Moy
Sarah Murdock
Sara Frances Nelson
Sarah L. Norris (Crosby)
Dorothy Northington
Allen M. Northington, Jr. (1918-1988)
James Alfred O'Rear
Dorothy Lucille Pague
James Perry Parish
Mazie Louise Parker
Margaret Anne Parrish (Smith)
Bessie Peach (Jones)
Margaret Winona Pearson (McWhorte…)
Woodrow Penton
Margaret Perkins (Eatman)
Charles Bouring Phillips
Alsey C. Pratt, Jr.
Mary Proctor (1919-2013)
Eugenia "Gene" Patton Rankin (191…)
Lt. Col. Bolling Hall "…
Adele Redding (Brown 1916-2011)
Charles Reeder
John Edward Rice
Mabel Ruth Rice (Graham)
Nell Dane Richardson
Clarence William Rigby (1914-2006)
Octavia Nono Roemer (1918-2005)
Emma Bell Rogers
J. Frazer Rolen (-1995)
Sol Rosen
Bertha Rothstein
Mary Frisbee Rutland (Webber 1918…)
Lois Lee Sadler
Charlotte Elizabeth Sanders
Lula Ethel Sanders (McGuff 19…)
Mary Eugenia Sanderson
Catherine Schmidt
Jule Sellers (Seibels Montjoy)
Mary Lee Sellers (Norman -2012)
Arthur Glenn Sexton (1917-1986)
Johnnie Perry Sexton
Felix Evelyn Sharitt
Irene Houston Sheehan (Howe 1917-…)
Milligan Sherard
Charles Wicker Sherman
Lucile Shirley
James Monnier Simon (1917-1980)
Ernest Smith
Roy Allison Smith
Florence Thweatt Snipes (McKinnon…)
John Paulin Spencer
Louie F. Stanley (Ashley 1918…)
Mary Frances Stanley
Frances Starke
Jane Steagall
George B. Stearns
Margaret A. Stewart
Ewell Stokes
William Harvey Stough (1918-2001)
Pauline Stringer
Dorothy Mae Sullivan
Bernard Sykes
Griffin Tatum, III
Gerald B. Taylor (1918-2004)
Marion R. Taylor
Marvin Taylor
Dorothy Teague (Thetford 1918-1993)
Oscar Martin Teague
Jenny Thames (Moore 1917-2010)
Virginia L. Thames
Dorothy Elizabeth Thompson
Vivian Thornbury
Louise Thornton (Reynolds 192…)
Alice Nelda Timmerman
Mary Mercedes Troy (Schaum 1920-2004)
Mildred Keller Tyson
Eugene Howard Underwood (1917-1995)
Eva Frances Vaughn
Ruth Vaughn
Ruth Vickers (Weeks 1918-2005)
Lois Elizabeth Von Seeberg
Green M. Wadsworth, Jr.
Paul Walker
Carol Watt
James Owen Westbury
Dr. Thomas Magruder Whe…
Earl Jerome Whitehead
Jack Crandell Whittaker
Cecile Whittle
Christine Louise Wilcox
Edith M. Wilkerson
Evelyn Frances Williams
Richard Gordon Williams
Mary Olivia Williamson
Thomas Eldredge Williamson
Henry David Willis
Frances Elizabeth Windham
Ruby G. Windham
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