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B. Abercrombie
Joseph H. Abercrombie
Oscar Allen
Warren Allen
Maude Alridge
Blanche Alston
Elmavis Aman
Charles Anderson
Gregory Anderson
Linnie Anderson
Lucile Anderson
Marian Andress
Elizabeth Armistead (Hightowe…)
Martha Armston
Annie B. Armstrong
John Myrick Ashley, Jr. (1914-1972)
Harold J. Atherton
Albert Attman
Lawrence Avant
Lena Ayres
Willie H. Baggett
Jewel Bailey
Maxine Bailey
Josiah Morris Baldwin, Jr.
Charles Baltzell
Marie Barker
Charles Barnes
Fred Barrett
Edna Barron
Charles Bath
Vida Battle
Louise Beach
Linnie B. Beahn
Dorothy Bear
Annie Lee Beasley
George M. Beasley
Minnie Lee Beasley
Louise Beeler
Herman Berlin (1914-1988)
Dollie Joe Berry
Edward Beverly
Johnnie Bell Bigelow
William Black
James Blocker
Amra Boais
Mary A. Boland (Massey 1913-2000)
Thomas Boothe
Dan Boswell
Ella Bowling
Edna M. Bowman
Thomas Bozeman
Edward Bradley
Orene Brannon
Mary L. Brassell
Flois Brewer
Fred Broadway (1913-1985)
Eugene Brodfood
Adele Brooks
Bennett G. Brooks (1912-1996)
Goree Brooks
Clint Brown
Marjorie Browne
Elizabeth Bruner
Eugene Bryant
Henry Burkhardt
Julia Burkhardt
James Burns (1912-1981)
Margurite Burson
Sherrell Busby
Buford Armon Bush (1914-1953)
Madelle Butler
Marjorie "Margie" Butler
Robert Byrd
Pat Cahalin
Dorothy Cain
Dorothy Calhoun
Charles Calloway
William F. Campbell
Ruth Cantrell
Thomas C. Capell (1912-2003)
Morris Capilouto (1912-2004)
Jack Cardinal
John Cargill
Staton Carlisle
Bertha Carr
G. Blake Carr
Irene Carr
Val Cassels
Irma Pauline Castleberry (191…)
Wilma Castleberry
Annie L. Chalker
Mildred Chancey
Virginia Chandler
Annie C. Charfield
Max Chennault
Clew Chesser
Agatha Christie
Emory Clard
William Clark
Annie L. Clements
Eleanor Clements
J. D. Clements
Vance Cleveland
Emma Clinkscales
Robert Cobb
Mary Frances Cochran
Isaac E. Cohen, LTC, Usaf
William "Billy" L. Coker (1915-1992)
Charlotte Coleman
Demarious Coleman (1917-2003)
Anne Collier (Berthaume)
Carolyn Collier (Enslen 1916-…)
Jean Alice Conner
Ada Hearn Conners
R. G. Cook
Jane Cooke
Carolyn Cooper (Jordan 1914-1999)
Artemesia Corley
Russell Courson
Elizabeth Cowan
Frank Cox
Ruth Cox
Willis S. Cox
Woodfin Cox
Cornelia Craig
Annie Mae Craine
Louise Crosby
Mary Crossland
Nina Crowe
Jenifer Crump (Minch 1915-1993)
William Benton Crump
Jimmie Crutcher
Alton B. Cumbus (1915-2009)
Sarah Daniels
Clarence Moore Dannelly, Jr. (191…)
Edna Darron
Maurine Dauphine
Adson Davies
Adron Davis
Grace Davis
Katie Davis
T. J. Davis
Voncile Davis
Woodrow Davis
Minnie Daw
Lewcia Dawson
Emily Day
Esther Lee Dean
Everett Dennis
Lenore DePriest
Mary Kate Dicey
James Allen Dillard (1914-1993)
Maxine Dilleck
Margurite Dixon
Jarrard Douglas
Fred Dover
Leslie Dover
Cecil Dowdell
Rowena Carter Dowlen
Elizabeth Downing
Clark Manning Dozier (1914-1966)
Fred Du Vernet
Lillian DuBose
Jerrold Duncan
Paul Duncan
Mary Dunn
Dorothy Edwards
Gladys Edwards
Jim Eley
Virgil Elgin (1912-1972)
Lois Ellington
Helen Ellis (Martin 1915-2005)
Thomas "Tom" Enzor
Bessie Estes
James Allen Evans
Charles Farren
Louis Farrior
Wilson Faulk
Mary L. Felder
Andrew P. Felts (1913-2004)
Thomas Fincher
James Fisher
Mary Maud Fisher
Nelle Flowers
Frances Fortner
Martha Foshee
Elizabeth Foster
Eugenia Foster
George H. Foster (1914-2007)
Polly Foster
Vivian Frazer
Hazel Fuller
Kyle Funderburk
Bertram "Bert" N. Gafford (1912-1991)
Lucinda Gaines
Ralph Gaines
Dorothy Gantt
Lawler Gardner (-1974)
Marion Garner
Horace Garrett
James Garrett
Evelyn Garrison
Lorraine Garrison
Ocie Gates
Willie Pearl Gates
Garner Gentry (Robertson 1914-1994)
Walter Gibbons
Inez Gibson
Charles Gilchrist
Mary Glover
Sarahbelle Goldsby
Leon Golson
Clara Goodwin
Frank Gordon
Earl Goza
Atalie Grace
Charles Grant
David Grant
Floy Greer (Barganier 1913-2005)
Park Groom
C. J. Gross
Karl Guest
Leola Gunn
Mabel Guy
Nell Christine Guyer
Joseph "Joe" C. Haas
Cliff Hall
Grace Hall (Warner 1914-2000)
Helen Hall
Ruth Hall
Eleanor Halt
Martha Halt
Archie Hamilton
Nellie Hammonds
Lillian Hanson
Martha Harper
Irene Harrington
Ellen A. Harris
Vonceil Harris
Sarah Hastings
Charlotte Hawkins
Joe Cody Haycraft
Laurie Haygood
Mary Ruth Head
Wilbur Heath
Eugene Heilpern, Jr. (1916-2011)
Billy Heins
James Hepburn
Ruth Hice
Forrest Hicks
Murphy Hill
Emily Hillman
Margarite Himes
Hollis Hindman
Virginia Hines
Amos Burt Hinson (1914-1990)
Alda Fay Hinton
Pirtle Hocker
Mattie Bell Holliday
Eleanor Janice Holt (Stovall 1913…)
Carolyn Brame Hood (Rice 1916…)
Eugenia "Gene" Hopkins (Eleba…)
Bernard Horn
Idolene Hoyle
Leonard Hoyle
Annie Hudson
Idell Hudson
Sylvia Hudson
Pleas Huggins
Wilmer Huggins
Kelso Humphrey
Ruby Hunt
Whit Hunter
Mary Hurst
Margaret Ingram
Stuart Jackson
Zora Jacobs
Thomas Jacreson
Alice James
Lem James
Douglas Jarrard
Lawrence Jehle
Roy Jehle
Martha Jenkins
Eugene Joffre
Dorothy Johnson
George Johnson
Jack Johnson
Doris Jolley (Brenizer)
Clifford Jones
Clyde Jones
Earl Carson Jones
Georgia Mae Jones
Harvey Jones
Joe Jones
Robert Jones
Robert Hamilton Jones (1912-1965)
Hoke H. Jordan
Sam Jordan
William M. Jordan (1914-2003)
Gene Judkins
? Justice
Grover Kelly
James Kelso
Edgar Kennedy
Joe Kennedy
Mary Emily Keyton
Elizabeth Kilgrow
Lloyd Kimbrough
Alice King
Frank King
John Albert Klumker, Sr. (1914-1998)
Guthrie Knowlton
Alberta Kufer
Jane Lacy
Mary F. Lamar
Joe Lamas
Robert Lamon
Martha Landers
Joe Frank Lassiter (1914-1988)
John B. Lassiter (1913-2002)
Sarah Lee Lawhorn
Anderson Leavell
Billy Leavell
John Ledyard
Horace Lewis
Mabel Lewis
James Light
Elizabeth Lindsey
Isadore Linkow
Christine Little
Jack Loz, Jr.
Leland Mackay
Christine Maness (Ellicott 1913-1992)
Robert Manley
Ethel Marcato
Annie Markis
Sam Marshall
Emory Martin
Edward L. Marxer, Jr. (1915-1998)
Bill Mason
Mary J. Mathiac
Major Peyton Spottswood…
Earl Maultsby
Elizabeth Maxey
Bill McAdam
Lucile McCampbell
Susie Mae McCluskey
Thomas McConnell
Herbert McCorby
Scruggs McCullock
E. McCullough
Walter Lewis McDonald
Emily McElvy
Olleen McGarr
Doris McGill
Easter McInvale
Mary Hazel McIver
Emily McKlary
Irene McLain
Holt McLeod
Wilbur McNair
Maggie McNeil
S. B. Meadows
Gladys Meredith
Elsie Meriwether
Lee Merrell
Jack D. Merrill
Gillis Metcalf
John H. Miller
Sara Miller (Feinberg 1915-1999)
Backom Mills
Evelyn Miniard (Rhodes 1913-1994)
Arthur Mize
Edward Monroe
James Monroe
Garrett Morgan
Edgar Morris
Marcus Morris
Madeline Morrison
Ena Mae Moses
Mary Moses
Louise Mull
Winifred Munch
Edna Murphy
Hill Murphy
M. J. Myers
Mary Napier
Milton Newson
Kirk Newton
Florence Nichols
Robert "Bob" O'Brien
Ida Oliver
Thomas Overton
Catherine Owen
Mattie M. Ozment
Grider Pabren
Dorothy Palmer
Billy Parker
Harry Parker
Julius Porter 'Duke' Pa…
Elizabeth Payne
Eleanor Pebworth (Barker 1913…)
Page Pebworth
Bertha Mae Perdue
Aleana Perry
Horace Perry
Albert Person
Holmes Pfingstil
Myrtle Pierson
Ethel Pilgreen
Lena Elizabeth Pirtle (Phibbs…)
Daisy Poitevant
Milton Pope
Dorothy Powell
Grady Pressley
Benjamin Marshall Price
Edgar Price
Lorin G. Price
Verbie Price
Joe Pugh
Emmett Queen
Annie Laurie Quillin
Maurice Raehm
Leroy Ranew
Rubye Ratley
Anne Rawls
William Ray (Taylor)
Edith Rea (Bourne 1912-1994)
Ruth Rea (Howell 1914-2016)
Joe Albert Redding, III (1914-1992)
Ruby Reeves (Phelps)
Catherine Reynolds
Fleetwood Rice (1914-1971)
Laura May Ridolphi (Collins 1…)
Hobson Riley
June Rivers
Jack Roberts
Edenfield Robertson
Maurice Roehm
William Rogers
Jessie Mae Rolen (Gay)
Florence Rollins
Herbert Roten
John Sim Roth, LTC, Usaf
Sallie E. Rowell
Eugene Roy
Victor Roy
Hoskin Royal
Irene Royal
William Saleba
Elizabeth Salter (Crittenden 1915…)
Homer Sanders
Joe B. Sanders
James Sanderson
Raulein Sanderson
Edson Saunders
Glenn Scaberry
Warren Scarborough
Philip Scarlan
Mary Helen Scott (Foster 1915-1997)
Norment Scott
Elvin Boykin Sellers (1915-1998)
Julia Sellers
Julius Sellers
Margaret Sellers
Vance Shannon
William Sharpe
Agnes Shaw
Virginia Shelkofsky
Flora L. Shelton (Ivey 1911-1975)
Bernice Shepherd
Troy Shipman
Alma Shirley
Gean Shivers
Luella Simmons
John Simpson
Virginia Sistrunk
Ralph Slay
Ray Slay
Roy Slay
Ethel Smith (Starke 1912-1990)
Herman Smith
I. J. Smith
Percy Smith
Sybil Smith
Willie Smith
Julian Snider
Marianna Snow (Macey)
Lucile Spangler
Annie L. Sparks
Willie "Billie" Spearin (1914…)
Carie Speer
Cullen Spencer
Edward Spencer
Joseph Spencer
William Spiers
Gerald Spitzfaden
William Spivey
Louisa Spratlan
Dorothy Spratlin
Nellie Stack
McElroy Staford
Ivy Stalnaker
Ivy Steagall
George Berry Stearns (1915-1987)
Lillian Steel
Martha Stephenson
Jack Stewart
John C. Stewart
Jane Elizabeth Stokes (Neal 1915-…)
Bertha Mae Stone
Ted Stone
Gladys Stough
Marjorie Stough
Martha Lois Stough
Sara Edna Stough
Mary Stringer
Edwin Sullivan
Emmett Sullivan
Louise Summersgill
Spencer Swan
Benjamin "Ben" Taylor
Peyton Clark Teague (1915-1998)
Ruth Telling
Louise Tharpe
Kennon Thetford
Roy Thigpen
Henry Thomas
Albert Thompson
Marie Tidwell
Ruth Tillery
Leila Townsend
Alma Traylor
Bernadyne Traylor
Braxton Traylor
Charles Trotter
Elaine Trussell
George Tucker
Nell Tucker
Ann Turner
Elaine Turner
Margaret Turner
James A. Tyson
Patty Arrington Tyson (Johnson)
Joseph "Joe" Urquhart
Miriam Urquhart
John W. Vardiman
Mary Etta Vickers
Jake Vickrey
Roy Victor
Frank Virgin
William B. Virgin, MD (1916-2000)
Francis Wachs
James Wadsworth
Jane Wadsworth
Leona Wadsworth
Harold Walker
Thomas Walker
Frances Ward
Evelyn Warner
Ernest Washington
Earl Watson
Julius Watson
Douglas Watts
Geraldine Watts
Ralph Watts
Pauline Weatherington
Herschel Weathers
Roy Weathers
Woodrow Weaver
Alma Webb
Julian Welch
Paul Welch
Virginia Welch
Avielene Wells
L. T. Wells
Dorothy Westbury
Frances Westcott
Pauline Wetherington
Eula Belle Whatley
Eloise White
Harris White
Horace White
Annette Whitehead
Floyd Wiggins
Helen Wilkes
Edith Williams
Frances B. Williams
Julia Grace Williams (Thomas 1915…)
Nolan E. Williams (1913-1998)
Preston Killgore Williams (19…)
Robert D. Williams
Jack Williamson
Franklin Williford
Helen Wilson
Olene Wilson
Rupert Wilson
Sara Wilson
Thomas Wilson
Woodrow Wilson
Jean Windham
Marvin Winsted
Helen Wise
Ados Woodham
James Wilson Woodrow
Jim Woolen
Regna Worthington
Derrell Wright
Fred Wright
Frances Young
Mary Ellen Young
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