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Angela Abrams
Davetta Abro
Lafayette Adams
Joe Alexander
Wanda Alloway
Charlie Anderson
Jackie Andrews (Brooks)
Mitzi Andrews (Hughes)
Myrtle D. Ashley
Greg S. Athey
John Atkins
Billy Atkinson
Sharon Ausley (Gaines 1960-2006)
Allen Bailey
Steven F. Baker
Kenneth Baldwin
Mike Barber
Darlene Bargainer
Joseph Bargainer
Michael (Mike) Barkerfgreen
Brock Barkley
Mark Barkley
Wesley Barlow
Angela Barnes
Gene Beaty
Marvin K. Belser
Susan Bennett
Joe Berry
Tina Bianchi
Cary Biggleston
Cathey Bishop
Eddie Blackmon
Julie Blackmon (Collins)
Don Blair
Mary Blanck
Pattrilla Boone
Danny Booth
Lois Booth
Mike Boseman
Charles Kenneth Boswell
Anita Bowman
Shirley Bowman (Lewis)
Willie Bowman
Regina Boyd
Ray Brazell
Bonnie Brendle (Johnson)
Mary Brightwell (Wesley)
Winston Bristow
Randy Britt
J. R. Brookins
Traci Brooks
Angela Brown (Brooks)
Linda Brown (Jones)
Michael Stephen Brown
Richard G. Brown
Sandra Brown (Martin)
Sonya Brown
Wilaena Brown
Richard Edward Bruster
Tami Bryan (Watts)
Sandy Burns
Mitchell Bush
Anthony Cabble
Roosevelt Caldwell
Judy Cammon
Tony Canady
Dan Cannon
William Cannon
Rosie Cargill
Thelma Cargill
Eunice Carldwell
Danny E. Carlis
Katrina Carter
Donald Casby
Buddy Castellaw
Keith Chandler
Teresa Chapman
Cynthia Chappell
Forest J. Chappell
Youlanda Chappell (Thomas)
Veronica Childrey
Donald Clark
Marie Clark (McNear)
Mike Clark
Carlos Collins
Joan Collins (Swanson)
Patricia Collins
Ted Colquett
Sharon Cook
Stanley Cooper
Rena Mays Cottrell
Jeff Cox
Audrey Crenshaw
Charles W. Crenshaw (1959-2013)
Lisa Crews
Terri Dailey
Valerie Daniels
Donna Davidson
Frederick Davidson
Charles Davis
Christal Davis
Iva Davis
Victoria Dawson (Vinson)
Karen Dean
Jerry Delrie
Kelley Dickey (Cruise)
Sherry Dilly (Bryant)
Anthony Dimbo
Wendy Dixon (Flamand)
Tyrone Doctson
Cherlyn Donaldson (Hall)
Willie Lewis Dorsey (1960-2015)
Brad Duckett
Debra "Debbie" Dungan (Bruster)
Mike Easterling
John Mark Eggerton
Cheryl Ellis
Michelle Ellis (Taylor)
Brian Elrod
Darryl Everage (1960-1983)
Craig Farrell
Jane Favor
James Gable Felder
Timothy Ferguson
Deloris Fisher
Thomas "Tommy" Fleming
Tim Flowers
Marshellda Floyd (Moore)
Jimmy Foster, CPO, Usn
Dr. Thomas Clay Franklin
Awilda Frazier
Felecia Frazier
Chuck Freeman
Steve Freeman
Kenny Fulton
Stanley Gamble
Wanda E. Gamble
Wesley Gantt
Valtoria Garnier
Stephana Garrett
Stewart Garrett
Nancy Garrison
Victoria Gaston
James David Gates (Re…
Michele Gatlin
James Gholston
Edge Gibbons
Cameron "Cammie" Gilbert
Zenobia Giles
Vanessa Glover
Willodene Glover
Gerald Golden
Donna Goldfield (Cruce)
Jeffery Golson
Tim A. Goolsby
Brenda Denise Gordon (Gray 19…)
Debbie Graham
Wanda Grant
Sam Gray
Dorothy Green (Jackson)
Druelma Green (Williams)
Freddie Griffin
Celeste Grimes (Holt 1960-2015)
Sharon Guest (Yurkowski)
Cathy Hadden (Mills)
John Halbrooks
Joe Hall
Steve Halse
John David Hamilton
Timothy Hamilton
Victoria Denise Handy
Ronnie Hanna
Gale Harris (Daniels)
Gene Harris
Raynard Harris
Reuben Harris
Michael Henderson
Angela Henry (Sanders)
Peggy Henry
Weatherstone Henry
Dale Hertenstein
Lloyd Hicks
Ann Hill
Gloria Hill
Vanessa Hill
Terri Hillman (Landman)
Webster H. Holland
Lynda Holmes
Marcelle Holtzclaw
Ronald Hooe
Becky Hopper (Madden)
Susan Hopper (Thomas)
Allen Howell
James Howell
Karen Huffman (Biggers 1960-2011)
Gertrude Humphery (Williams)
Carzell Hunter
Kathy Hutchinson
Susan Incontro
Kenneth Ivery
Leigh Ivey (Blackwell)
Freddie Jackson
Karen Jackson (O'Neal)
Leon Jackson
Luther Jackson
Michael James
Paul Jarvis
Gerald Jernigan
Donna Jinright (Morton)
Allan Johnson
Bryan K. Johnson
Deborah Johnson
Dwayne Johnson
E. Diane Johnson (Wendling)
Patricia Johnson
Bridgette Jones (Mays)
Joe N. Jones
Judy Jones
Michael Jones
Roger S. Jones
Scott Jones
Shirley Jordon
Frank Kelly
Anita King
Donald King
Kathy King
Vickey Kirkland (Culbreth)
Stephen Kissel
Donna Knight
Mary Koppersmith
Jeff Kridakorn (1960-2016)
Belinda Kunkle (Pyles)
Neal Labovitz
Michael Lamb
Gwen Lancaster (Lancaster-Bonair)
John Stephen 'Steve' Leach
Larry Lee
Corinne Leger (Thornel)
Caron Lewis
Carrie Lewis
Cynthia Lewis (Lovelace)
Sharon Lewis
Eliece Lindsey (Isome)
Ignatia Lister
Cathy Little (Longeway)
Diane Little
Tyrone Lockett (1959-1992)
Sandra London
Sandy Lopina
Shirley Love
William Love
Lori Lowe
Hattie "Cookie" Macon
Joseph Magers
Stanley Manning
Jaddie Marsh
Kimberly Marshall
Danny Martin
Debra Martin
Johnny L. Mathews
Marilyn Mathews
Ruby Mathews
Deramus Matsey
Earl Matthews
Chrysanthia Mays (Cotrell)
Rena Mays
Hellen McCarter
James McCollum
Terry McCollum
Kenny McCullough
Leon McCullough
Barbara McCurty
Richard "Rick" Steven McDade
Charles McDaniel
Linda McDaniel (Crowley)
Cletus McGee
Mac McGriff
Sara McInnis (Shuman)
Simon McNabb
Dona McNear (Duncan)
Margie McNeil (Toney)
Julie McPherson
Earnest McShane
Annette Means (Price)
Ethel D. Means
David Mease
Charles "Charlie" S. Meyling
Fred Michaud
Beverly Miles
Flora Miles
Gertrude Miles (Bellamy)
Marion Miles
Audrey Milledge (Johnson)
David Mills
Wes Mills
Deborah Mitchell (Sowel)
John Mitchell
Kim Mitchell
Annetta Moncrief
Ramona Moncrief
Steve Money
Susan Moody (Odle)
Michael A Moore
Wade Moore
Jim Moorer
Catherine "Cathie" Morris
Joe Moss
Darnell Y. Motley
James "Jimmy" K. Mullins
Del "Eddie" Murphy
Preston Nash
Donna Lou Nelson
Gloria Nettles
Vickie Nobles
Jamie Noblitt (Dessel)
Robert K. Noblitt, SGT, Usaf
Doug Norman
Steve Norman
Melissa "Missy" J. Norris (Flowers)
Roy Nutt, Jr.
Cynthia "Cindy" O'Connor (Lamar)
Cerelda Odom
Eula A. Oliver
Joe W O'Neal III
Barry L. Ottinger
Caroline Owens
Mike Oxen
Pam Park (Norris)
Debbie Parker
Sadie Parker
Demetrius Parks
Angie Parrish (Hecht)
Kim Pate
Lucy Patterson (Holub)
Patricia Patterson
Jeffrey Pearson
Gordon Persons
Capus Peterson
David Peterson
John Petrey
Kenny Phelps
David Phillips
Leslie R. Porter (Taylor)
Peggy Porter (Young)
Benita E. Posey (Akwiwu)
John Pressley
Janice Provitt (Dotson)
Pamela Pruitt
Pam Ramsey
Vivian Rankins (Handy)
Emmett Shauf Ray
Linda Reed
Randy Reep
Willie Reese
Kim Reeves
Anne Louise Reynolds (1960-2005)
Fred Reynolds
Ronnie Reynolds
Howard Keith Reynolds, PO1, Usn
Cathey Richards
Crystal Richardson
Cynthia Richardson
Jannique Richardson
Jean Richardson
Mike Richardson
Reed Richardson
Jim Riedler
Curtis Robinson
Frank Robinson
James Robinson
James W. Roemer
Ella Rogers (McCall)
Randy Rogers
Eddie Rollins
Eric Rollins
John Roney
Russell Roper
James Rose
Wendell Ross
Anthony Rowell
Jack Rudolph
Rhonda Sanders
Curtis Sankey
Norborne Schaum
Dale "Butch" Schweinsberg
Don R. Scott
Randall Scott
Tony Lamar Seymour
Christie Shegon (Ennis)
Leon Shelby
Bridgette Shelton
Edward "Eddie" E. Sherlock
Scott F. Shires
Delisa Shubird (English)
George Smith
Glenn Steven "Steve" Smith
Jeffery W. Smith
Linda Smith
Patricia Smith
Zelda Smith
Roxanne Smyly (Peavy 1960-2018)
Cleveland Ronnie Snellgrove
Dennis Southwick
Michael Stallworth
Geoffrey Stewart
Cheryl Stiles
Terry Stinson
Phillip "Phil" Richard Stitt
Dwayne Stobough
Allen Stokes
Jerry Stone
John Stone
Walter Storrs
Pamela "Pam" Stough (Ottaway)
Greg Strickland
Lloyd Strickland
Allen Stuckey
Douglas "Doug" Suydam
Leigh Sydnor (Hinson)
Renee Szejuink
Melanie Taylor (McNary)
Vivian Taylor
Kathi Thames
Vickey Thames
Pat Thetford
Peyton C. Thetford
Debra Thomas
Jeff Thomas
Jerry Thomas
Jerry L. Thomas
Keith Thomas
Kim Thomas
Sandra Thomas
Jerome Thompson
Philip Thompson
Edward "Ed" Ticheli
Greg Tillery
John Tillery
George Tillman
Anna Marie Todd (Cherry)
Duran Tolbert
Anne Top
Darrell Townsend
Napoleon Tucker
Karen Turner
Nat Turner
Vinnie Turner
Emily Tyler
Ethel Upshaw
Steffon VanDiver
Jeff Varner
Desmond Vickers
Phyllis Walker
Stuart Walker
Rev. Willis R. Walker, II
Joey Ward
Mike Ward
Rick Ward
Teresa Ward
Sharon Ware
Arguster Warren
Gigi Warren
Bud Watkins
Carolyn Watson
Elise Watson
Debra Watts
Costella Webb (Edwards)
Jesse Webb
Larry Webb
Barbara Webster
Debra Webster
Janet Weisman
Garry Whetstone
Eric White
Stephanie White (Westfall)
Cheryl Whiteley (Stanaland)
Jerome Whiting
Layne Wiggins (Matthews)
Bernard Williams
Cassandra Williams (Jackson)
Donald Williams
Gwendolyn Williams
Irish Williams (Black)
James Williams
James Williams
Joseph Williams
Julia Williams
Lynn Williams
Marty Williams
Phyllis Williams
Teresa Williams
Theodore Williams
Tony Williams
Angie Wilson
Caesar Wilson
Tallulah Wilson
Sheila Wise
Diane Wood
Mark "Biz" Woodie
Janet Woodson
Susan Wooley
Stanley Wray
Diana Wright (Griffin)
Beth Wynn
Julie Wynn
Kevin Wysmulek
Leigh E. Yeoman
Toni Young
Lynn Youngblood
Ron Zannini
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