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Show by:
Charles E. Adams
Polly Adams
Willard Adkins
Lucile Alford
Lucy Cobb Allen
Brigham Anderson
Ella Andrews
Henry Andrews
Haygood Anon
Hazel Avent
Fediva Baggett
Mary Frances Baggett
Norment Baker
May Flowers Baldwin (Holbrook…)
Emily Ball
Maude Barbaree
Laura Bell Barganier
Joseph "Joe" Barker
George Barkley (1910-1976)
John Basley
Susie Bass
Vidie Battle
Coleman Beale
Herschel Beasley
Martha Beasley
Barnett Berry
William Berry
Ruth Bice
Louise Blackwell
Inez Blair
Frank Blakey
Francis Boman
Frances Bomar
Orman Bower
Theron Bradley
Edward "Ed" Branch, Jr. (1911-1970)
Rosebud Brannon
Annie L. Brantley (1914-2004)
Louise Brassell
John R. Bray
Marguerite Brinsfield
Dorothy Broadway (Miller 1911…)
Virginia Louise Brooks
Charles Brown
Jesse Brown
Mary Brown
Jean Elmore Buck
Helen Burge
Martha Elizabeth Burnette (1912-1949)
Louise Bush
Clifford Byrd
Josephine Cahn
John Cain (1908-1977)
Jimmie Calloway
Mary Lee Cameron
Virginia Camp
Jeff Campbell
John Campbell
Newton Cannon
Hattie Cardwell
Corinne Carlisle
L. D. Carr
Velma Carr
Charles Carrigon
Lloyd Carroll
Bob Chalker
Lester S. Chambers
Hal Chambless
Annulette Chandler
Lanoyd Clark
Otin Clark
George Clausson
Margaret Clements
Sallie Wood Cobb
Eugene Coenen
Ned Cohen
Rosa Cohen
Myrtle Coker
William Collins (1913-1963)
Kathleen "Kat" Combs
Ross Commings
John Connell (1911-1980)
Inez Cook
Thomas Courtney
Maggie Cowen
Edwin Crane
Lindsay Crane
Virginia Cream
Edith Crenshaw
Richard Cronie
Harry Crosland
William Crowley
Virginia Crum (1913-1994)
Scott N. Crump (1912-1962)
Logan Crutcher
Minnie Louise Culver (Lanier 1913…)
Mamie Cummings
John Edward Cunningham
Letha Darling
Margaret Davidson
Frances Davis
Harry Davis
Ranney Davis
William Davis
Christine Dawson
Dorothy Daye (1910-1995)
Ernest Dean
Vivian Deel
Howard Detwiler
David Dickson
Elizabeth Dinkins
Tannie Leigh Dinkins
Mary Lou Dobson
Ora Donaldson (1913-2007)
Charles Dowd
Dorothy Dozier
Harry Davis Driver (1910-1972)
Attie Drummond
Joe L. Duck (1912-1998)
Lomax Dunn
Charles Dykes (1910-1980)
Kathryn Eddy
Freddie M. Ehlbert
Edward Eiland
Gerson Eisenberg
Eva Ellington
Katherine Ellison
Nellie Agnes Enloe
Dorothy Enwright
Estelle "Stella" Etheridge
Jannie Kate Evans
Ruth Flowers
Virginia Flowers
Harriotte T. Fonville
Frank Foreman
Sarah Fortner
Annie Ruth Frazer (Nottingham)
Marguerite Frazier
Robert Frazier
Rosa Freehling
Earl Freeman
Ernest Freeman
William Fuller
Dora Fulmer
Verna Furlong
Joseph H. Galatas (1912-1970)
Annie Ruth Gardiner
Thelma Gardner
Thelma Gates
Leo Gavey
Annie Lee Gay
Winifred Gaylord
Ann Gilchrist (Yarbrough)
Gunter Glass
Nathan Glick
Bessie Glover
Louis Goldblatt (1913-1995)
Albert Goodwyn (1912-1973)
Alfred Gordon
Algernon Gordon
Thomas Gorrie
Mary Graham
Elva Grant
John Gravely
Vivian Gray
Douglas Green
Ethel Green
Phil Greenberg
Cooper Greil
Robert Griffith
Annie Holden Grimes
Berta Mae Gulley
Groig Gunn
Eugene Gwinn
Elizabeth Halie
Charles Hall
Emily Hall
Johanna Bell Hall
Mildred Hancock
Charles Hare
Edward Hargrove
Louise Harman
Grace Harper
Marguerite Harris (Hinds 1912-1983)
Martha Harris
Glenn Harrison
T. J. Harrison, Jr.
Herman Virgil Hassell, Sr. (1909-…)
Pettus Hearon
Manuel Held (1912-1993)
Martha Henderson
Mary Hepburn
Charles Hesser
John "Jack" Hestle
Ernest Hodges
Evert L. Hodges
Dorothy C. Holley
James Holliday
James Holloway
Dr. Winston Holman (1912-1968)
Albert Holmes
Frances Holmes
Lynn Holmes
Guy Holt
John Holt
Bostwick Howard
Maude C. Howard
Elizabeth Hudson
Mary Hudson
William Hudson
J. W. Hunter
Aubrey Ingram
Loleta Ingram
Sarah Ingram
Elizabeth Jackson
Frances Jackson
Jack Johnson
Jewel Johnson
Macey Johnson
Mary Virginia Johnson (Nelson…)
Marion Joiner
George Jones
Harry Jones
James D. Jones
Julius Jones
Virgil Jones
Cliff Judkins
Sara Janette Kahn
Nellie Katz
Katherine Keating
Elizabeth Keith
Haynie Kelly
Leon Kermish (1911-2001)
Mary Kerr
Rachel Keynton
Mary Kilpatrick
Annie King
Lilie Mae King
Gertrude Kirtland
William Knox
Juanita Kreider
Thomas Lammon
Katherine Lawson
Iva Leslie
J. C. Little
Elizabeth Lockhart
Carolyn Loeb
Bonner Purvis Maness, Jr. (1909-1989)
Viola Manley
Lillian Marrison
Thomas Massey (1912-1993)
Mary Beatrice Mathews (De Shazo 1…)
Carey Matthews
Robert Matthews
Sara Mayerovitz
Lucretia McAllister
Bess McClelland
Edward McClelland
P. C. McCree
Margaret McFall
James H. McGregor
Cecil McIver
Irene McLean
Isabel McLean
Noble McLendon
Pauline McMillan
Edna Rae McNair
Ada McQuesten
Kitty Melhado
Marjorie Meller
Edna Rae Menair
George D. Mentz (1911-1975)
Mary Greenfield Merritt
Georgia Merriwether
Mary Mote Metcalfe
Eleanor Miller
Marjorie Miller
Elizabeth Mills
Otto Miniard (1910-1999)
Cornelia Mitchell
James Mitchell
Mattie Smith Mizell
Vera Grace Mobley (1911-2005)
Mary Elizabeth Moody
Amanda Middleton Moon (Erisman)
Idon Moore
John Morrill
Earl Morris
Lillian Morrison
John "Jack" Morgan Morton (19…)
Lewis Moseley
Elizabeth Moseman
John Moseman
Mattie Ruth Mosley
Gladys Oliver Mott (1911-1958)
Orval Murchison
Wyatt Murchison
Barney Muse
Timmie Nall
Suanne Nettles
Zula Lee Nixon
Jeanette Noble
Rosy Nolen
Helen Norsworthy
Elizabeth Nunnelee
Louise O'Neal
Nellie O'Neal
Thomas R. Overton (1912-1995)
Lester Owen
Maston Parker
Roy Parker
Mildred Paterson (Pierce 1913-1971)
Fanny Patton
Forney Patton (1912-1996)
Mary Jane Paulger (Klotz)
Julia Paulk
Rufus Pebworth
William "Bill" B. Pebworth
Minneola Perry
Frances Phelps
Eva Lou Phillips
Alma Philyaw
Eugenia Pickett (Fant)
Harry Pierce
Pearl Pierce
Jimmy Pierson
Sarah Piha
Mary Ellen Pitts
William Pitts
LeRoy Porter
Lilian Posey
Marjorie Pouncey
Nell Powell
Sarah Powell
Lillian Grace Pratt
Myrth William Price, Sr.
Lucy Lee Pruett
Fred Pruitt
Blanche Ptomey
Alberta Pugh
Annie Sue Pugh
Laura Jane Pugh
Norma Putnam
Julia Raley
Carl Rast
Lovelace Rawlings
Annie Frances Ray
Paulin Ray
Frank Reeder
Lucy Reid
Elizabeth Reynolds
Sadie "Little Bit" Rich
William Richardson
Frances Haddon Riley
Lucille Ripley
Lucy Roberts
Jose Fa Robinson
Eleanor Rodgers
Judson Rogers
Susie Ruth Rollo
Annie J. Rommer
Bill Ross
Clyde Roton
Agnes Louise Rowell
Bernard Rushton
Helen Russell
Charles Rutherford
Edward Saffold
Alvin Sanders
Paul Sanderson (1913-1979)
Grady Saunders
Ramsey Scarbrough
Ida Segall
Martha Selcer
Tom Shackelford (1908-1994)
Lillian Simpler
Harry Sims
Sidney Sims (1911-1937)
Loisie Lee Singleton
Alice Eugenia Smith
Ella Darling Smith
Esta Lanier Smith
Hazel Smith
Richard Smith
Zerelba Smith
Pauline Solomon
Shirley Marks Solomon
Norwood L. Sorrell (1913-1970)
L. B. Stanaland
Geneva Carolyn Stanley
Elsie Steagall (Mills)
Sarah Steagall
Louise Stern
Madaline Strain
Marie Strebile
Chloe Strickland
Sam J. Strickland
Mary Virginia Stuart
Elizabeth Stuckey
Mary T. Suggs
Henrietta Sullivan
Lamar Sullivan
Marjorie Sullivan (1912-1983)
Theo Sykes (1911-1994)
Mary Taylor
Mildred Taylor
Robert S. Teague
Louise Terry
Betty Thetford
Billy Thetford
Jonathan Thomas
Render Thomas (1914-1950)
Mark L. Thompson
Merrill Thompson
Sarah Thompson
Lucile Tolson
William Tolson
Lurline Townsend
James Trattor
Evelyn Traywick
Emmett Tucker
Randle Tuttle
Grace Urquhart
James Vaughn
Glen Vickery
Thelma Wagnon
Annie Waites
Mary Louise Walden
Christine Walker
Connie Walker
Floyd Walker
Jimmie Walker
Edward Dow Walker, Sr. (1915-2000)
Ruth Ward
Waurine Warren
Russell Watson
Edward "Ed" Watts
Bert Weil (1913-2000)
Mildred Welch
Dorothy Westberry
Porter White
Connie Wilkes
William Wilkes
Robert Williams
James Williamson
Bentley Williford
Lillian Williford
Amos Wilson
Harry Wilson
Margarite Wilson
Mamie Witherington
John Wray
James Wright
Margaret Wright
Norman Wright
Sue Wyatt
David Yancey
Eloise Davis Young
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