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Wilburn E. Alford
William W. Alford
Annie Mae Alley
Edna V. Alums (1915-2004)
Ralph D. Bailey
Dorothy Baxter
Jack C. Bear (1918-1998)
Mary Nell Betts (Kantz)
Maxine Black (Nye 1917-1995)
Eunice Boyd
Anne Brainerd
J. Dan Brock (1916-2005)
Joe Broom
Elizabeth Browder
Grace A. Brown
J. G. Brown
Leon Brown
Barney Earl Brown, Sr. (1915-1968)
Edith Bryant
Charles Cahn
Margaret Carr
Alex M. Chases
Peggy Chennault
Ione Chriss
Helen Christie (Gilder 1916-2005)
Evans Coker
Alma Corbitt (LaFollette 1916-1995)
Howard Coughenour
Billy Crawford
William H. Davis (1917-2002)
Hortense DePriest (Grable 1917-1998)
Alice Dowd (Pittman)
Jonas Ehrlich
Carolyn Endel
Marie Erding
Allene Eubanks
Annie R. Faulk
Martha Celeste Fontaine (Cook)
Elizabeth Franklin (Guettler 1916…)
Alma Fuller
Elaine Gentry
Margaret Gentry
Archie Goldthwaite
Richard Owen Grable, Usng (19…)
Thomas E. Gray (1916-2007)
Iva Hall
Margaret May Hall (Weldon)
David Ray Hamilton
Hazel Hammond
Dorothy M. Harper
John E. Harris
James H. Hastie
Ronald Hatchett
Alice Hauser
Mary L. Helms (Campbell 1916-…)
Nolan Helms, Jr.
Milton Braun Hesslein (1918-2010)
Reese Hooks
Cyrus Horton
Abner Hughes
Sara F. Johns
Doris Jordan
Hugh Jordan
Janis Kaufman
Mary Virginia Kennamer (Harris)
Flora Kent
Leo Klein
Irene Knight
Marie Laboritz
Clarence Lassiter
Louise Leavell (1916-1971)
Frances Evalyn Ledbetter (Johnson)
Minnie C. Lewis
Dorothy Lewy
Alma Mahone
Doris K. Mathews (1917-2011)
Dr. Jane Matthews (Day)
Vivian Matthews
Irbie Miller
Johnnie Morris
Bernard Mount
Irene Nipper
Helen Norris (Bell 1916-2013)
Julia Norsworthy
Jessie Lee O'Gwynn (Totty 191…)
Barnes Ohme
Merle Outlaw
Rosemary Parkman
Robert Payne
Edward Pendergrass
Martha Pettus
Margaret Phillips
Mavis Phillips
Randall Phillips
Henry M. Pintle
John Presley
Jean Price (Lewis)
William Price
Henry Lewis Pugh (1916-1986)
Murray Pugh
George Pylant
Allen C. Rankin, Jr.
Mary Elizabeth "Sis" Ray (Spo…)
Eloise Reynolds
B. B. Rogers
Terese Sacks
Thelma Shanks
Gordon Sharpless
Mary Sharrett
Bab A. Shepard
Lea Shuartz
Leo K. Shwarts (1917-1985)
Julian Smith
James Edward Snipes, Jr.
Harry Snow, LTC, Usaf
Rufus Spear (1916-1998)
Juanita Spencer (Allen 1916-2010)
Robert Sternfeld
Elizabeth Stinchcomb
Warren Stough
Juliette Sullivan
Rose Tatum (Lassiter 1917-2004)
Kerman Thetford
William Thigpen
Mary Thompson
Kate Timmerman
Margaret Tisdale
David Turner
Frances Tyner
Winston Underwood
Jane Hall Van Pelt (Plumlee 1916-…)
Georgia Vincent
Annette Walsh
Herman Weisz
Beryl Williams
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