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Ethel Abbott
Clara Alexander
Hubert Alston
Mary Rob Anderson (Bowling 1913-2001)
Ava Andress
Lois Armstrong
Frank Ashley
Virginia Lois Averitte
William Avinger
Helen Baltzer
Mary Louise Banks
Mary Mina Barnes
Virginia Prince Bartlett
Martha Beale
Edna Bedgood
Jefferson Bedsole
Gertrude Maria Beeler (Calkin…)
Frances Bell
Margaret Bell
Newton Joseph Bell, III (1912-2002)
Charles Bentley
Grace Berrey
Billie Maxine Berridge
Pauline Betts
Douglas Black
Horatio Boggs
Virgil E. Boggs
Sarah Helen Booth
Joe Borden
Hamilton Borland
Mary Alma Borland (Vickers 19…)
Lucile Bowers
Ann Richey Boyd
Claud Boyd
Frances Emily Boykin
Clyde Bozeman
Ethel Bozeman
Gladys Claire Bozeman
Hilda Bozeman
Milton Bozeman
Ernest Lloyd Bradford
Willie Rose Brannon
Stephen F. Brannon, Sr.
Lois Brassell
William Reed Brassell (1915-1988)
Robert Lee Briggs
James Britton (1913-2001)
Lawrence Browder
Cleve Brown
Doris Brown
Percy Brown
Jewell Broxton
Mary Ivey Bryan
Francis Burdett
DuBose Burrell
Annie Lee Bush
Gerald Bush, Jr.
Laura H. Byrd
Nelda Cain
Joe Bibb Cain, Jr. (1913-2005)
Mammie Erline Calhoun (-1991)
Martha Cameron
Mary Campbell
Albert Randolph Candler (1914-1996)
Joe Cardwell
Charles Carroll
Christie Carter
Elizabeth Louise Carter
James J. Carter
Russell H. Carter
Taft Casey
Kathleen Cavanaugh
Rosemary Chambless
Susie Champion
Rex Chancy
Jimmy Clare
Carroll Clark
Annie Beatrice Cobb
Hazel Coenen
Ernest Coker
Gwendolyn Coker (1914-1995)
Jewel Bell Collier
Milton Compton
Roger W. Condon, Jr.
Margaret Connell
Carnie Cook (Turner -2011)
Curtis Justice Cook (1910-1973)
Nina Copeland
Love Corbitt (Nelson)
James Cotton
Lucile Courson
John Courtney
John Thomas Cravey (1915-1995)
Louise Crowell
Ray Crowell
William "Bill" T. Crumhorn, Jr.
Spencer Cullen
Fred Cummings
Eugene Curtis
Mattie Lou Darnell
Dorothy Davies
Tommy Davies
Elizabeth Davis
Fayla Miller Davis
Hazel Day
Mildred Elaine Day
Merriam August Delahay (1912-1980)
Genevieve Dorman
Robert Joseph Dowe
Eula Mae Downing
Alice Drummond
Burrell DuBose
Amelia Cava Duncan
Daniel Dynes
Echol Dynes
Joan Earle
Mizelle Edwards
Estelle Eisenberg
Clyde Lee Ellis, Jr.
Albert M. Endel (1907-1998)
Matilde J. Endel (Scheuer 191…)
David Esco
Evelyn Etheridge
Doris Evans
Mary Helen Faircloth
Marjorie Favor
Dorothy Alletah Fidler
Bertie Eunice Findley
Cindy J. Findley
Marguerite Finlay
Billy Flowers (1912-1986)
Robert Warren Flowers (1913-1994)
Frances Folsom
John Fortner (1912-1965)
Lyra Nickerson Foster (Smith)
Mary E. Foster
James Ballard Francis, Jr.
Beulah Franco
Bruce Wilde Franklin (1914-1973)
James C. Franklin
Charles G. Franklin, Jr. (1912-1999)
Frances Franks
Bob Frazier
Julia Mae Frazier (Gober 1912-1991)
Rose Fuqua
Furman Furlong
Margaret Irene Galatas
Edward A. Galt (1913-1969)
Corinne Gardner
Will Garrett (1915-1997)
Allan Gassenheimer (1913-2007)
George E. Gill, Jr.
Iona Mirinda Gillespie (Fontaine)
Opal K. Gillespie
Harold Clyde Glenn
Wilbur Sutherland Godwin
Isabel Gonzalez
Helen Goodson
Lois Goodwin
William Earl Goodwin
Elliott Goree
Joe Gorman
Mamie Gorman
Catharine Gorrie
Doris Gorrie
Mark Lewis Grable (1914-1998)
Jimmie Zetella Graham (McCain…)
Fred Grant
Martha E. Gregory
Julia Mae Gresham
Frances Griffin
Ganett Griggs
Kenneth Griggs
Howard T. Grimes (1912-1996)
Maria Pinckney Grover
Edward Gumpf, Sr. (1911-1979)
Lorena A. Guy
Ola Nell Hagood
John Alford Haigler (1912-2004)
Lawrence Brake Haigler (1909-1974)
Sue Nesbitt Hails (Powell 191…)
Lois Dawn Hall
Borland Hamilton
Dora Hammond
Louise Hammond
Annie Lee Harless
Martha Carolyn Harmon
Mary Elizabeth Harper
Ruth Lazenby Harrington
Claude Harris
Ed Harris
Lee Harris
Sarah Harris
Eula Harrison
Madeleine Harrison
Martha Elizabeth Harrison
Robert Harsha
Ennis Byrd Hartley (1916-1942)
Lola Hatchett
Harry Haynes
William G. Haynes
Herman W. Hearn
Lola Mae Hearn
Eleanor Caroline Heitz
Lola Dean Helms
Gus Henderson
John Henderson
Marvin Henry
Roberta Henry
John Starke Herndon
Edward Herring (1911-1985)
Billy Hiens
John Peach Hightower (1912-1992)
James Albert Hightower, Sr. (1914…)
Louette Hill
Bertram Hines
John Hines
Jackson Martin Hobbie, Jr. (1913-…)
Patrick W. Hodges, Jr. (1913-…)
Marjorie Holland
Merrill Holliday
Lucius Holloway
Elbert Holmes
Louise Loring Holt
Losia Holtzclaw
Royal Hoskin
Ruby Houston
Jessie Ervin Howell
Genevieve Hudson
Willie Kate Hughes
Isabel Inglis
Mary Inez Irwin
Dr. B. Franklin Jackson
Dr. James Truett Jackson (1915-1986)
Louise Jackson
Lucile James
Audie Louise Jeffcoat
Brinkley Johnson
Herbert Leland Johnson
Mildred Munn Johnson
Kathryn Joiner
Harry Jones
Henry Jones
John Edward Jones (1912-1953)
Louise Jones
Myra Ellen Jones
William C. Jones
Moses Joseph
Mary Elizabeth Judkins (Cook …)
Vaughn Judson
Maurice Katz
Yetta Katz
Joseph Martin Keller (1914-1952)
Mae Bell Kelly
William Kennedy
Hewell Kersey
Theodara Theresia Kiefer
Carroll Kilpatrick
Ella Hamlin King
Ernestine King
Thora Knight
Benjamin Watkins Lacy, III
Joe Lamar
John Woodward Lamar
Mary Seibels Lanier (Branch)
Annie Mae Lanphere
Phillip Albert Lavallet, Jr. (191…)
Ray Hubbard Le Noir (1912-1982)
June Margaret Lease
Betty Leay
Mary Lee
Charlotte Ellenda Lifsey
Emily McFarland Lincoln
Miriam Lindley
Estelle Linkow
Katherine Little
Harriette Loeb
Louise Long
La Mae Lotz
Frances Lundy
Clara Lee MacPherson
Jack H. Maddox (1911-1957)
Herbert A. Mahan (1913-1972)
Joseph M. Malloy
Clara Emma Maness (Schroter 1912-…)
Sam Marks
Madeline Marrison
Elizabeth Marshall
Billy Mastin
Ruby Mae Matheny
Helen Rose Mathis (Lutz Cumbus 19…)
Nora Mc Elvy
Margaret McAllister
Herbert McCarley
Helen McClelland
Evelyn McDade
Vivian McDonald
Nan McElvy
Zack McGehee
James Bernard McGrath
Catherine Louise McManus
Willie McNabb
Nell McRae
Edgar McRee
P. C. McRee
Ida Mae Meadows
Martha Elizabeth Meadows
Theodore "Teddy" L. Meyer, Jr.
Mary Katherine Miller
Kathryn Milligan
Robert Delton Mills
Margaret Priscilla Mitchell
Harry Moeller
Florence Joan Monsky
Evelyn Moody
Howard Johnson Morris, Jr. (1913-…)
Grace Moseley
Louis Moseley
Louise Moseley
Frances Christian Mullin
Margaret Murray
Katherine Murrell
Willie G. Murrell
Wellborn Lewis Naftel, Jr. (1912-…)
William Wallace Nelson
Mary Alice Newsom
Andrew B. Newsom, Jr.
Mary Nichols
Jane Louise Nicrosi
Margaret Randolph Nicrosi (1914-1998)
John Tyson Noble (1913-2000)
Janie Grace Nolen
Andrew Norris
Thaddeus R. Norris, Sr. (1912-2002)
Frances McAlpine Nunnelee
William Oates
Wallace O'Brien
Alfred F. Oliver (1910-1990)
Mary Oliver
Winifred O'Neal
Rachel Joan Overton
Alma Ruth Ozier
Johnnie Ozment
Allen Page
Arnold Page
Milton Page
Virgil Parker
Gertrude Parkman
Louise Parkman
Willie Bell Parmer
R. C. Parrott
Charles Curtis Partin, Jr.
John Haygood Paterson (1913-1988)
Martha Lee Patterson
Eloise L. Pattillo
James William Patton, Jr.
Florence Payne
Gussie Payne
Claude Peacock
Miner Peagler
Julian M. Pearson (1912-1993)
Cullie Hopkins Peavy
Frederick Page Pebworth (1914-2001)
Louise Pebworth
James Peek (1912-1985)
Alfred Pepperman (1912-1995)
Gladys Perdue
Mary Jo Perdue
William "Bill" Monroe Perdue (191…)
Ruth Perry
Sarah Frances Perry
Maude Pierce
Grover Pinckney
Barnett Pinkston
Nell Pinkston
Leon Hart Pippen
Robert H. Pippen
Opieree Pippin
Dan Pope
Kenneth Pope
James E. Priester
Laurence Lempriere Prin…
Verna Pritchett
Jewell Pugh
Mabel Irene Pugh (Pruitt 1913-2010)
Erbie L. Rainwater
Rita Maude Ramsey
Dorothy Ranew
Lillian Raney
W. Ralph Rast
Mabel Clyde Ratley
Edward Rawlinson
Albert Rea
Kate Reeder
Thelma Reeves
Ursula Anne Reeves
Alice Reid
Joseph Hervey Rembert
Robert Reynolds
Roy Corley Reynolds
Willie Reynolds
W. D. Rhodes
John Richards
Catherine Louise Richardson
Frank Riley
William H. Ripley (1912-1989)
Jessie Clay Robards (Atwood 1913-…)
Edith Robinson
Wallace Robinson
Francis M. Roemer (1913-1966)
Annie Laurie Rollo
Martha Burke Rouse (Fitzpatrick)
Rachel Rousso
Elizabeth Rowell
Cecelia B. Sacks
Joseph "Joe" P. Sadler (1914-1996)
Marjorie Frances Sadler
Mae Louise Samford
Ramsey Thomas Scarborough (1912-1970)
Rose Miriam Schaeffer (Copeland 1…)
Dora Lena Schulwolf (1914-2003)
Eloise Scott
Marion H. Scott
Nancy Scott
William Neal Sealy (1912-1964)
Betty Seay (Meriwether 1915-1970)
Charles Pearson Sedberry
Eva Sarah Segall
Emma Bennett Sellers (Steere …)
John Lightfoot Sellers
Monette Sellers
Richard Semmes
Eva Senreich
Celia Senter (Berinhout 1914-1994)
Mary Jane Shackelford (1913-1997)
Juanita Roberta Sharp
Norris Shealy (1912-1994)
Frances Sheppard
Winifred Sherer
Eva Sinreich
Doris Skipper
Wilbur Reece Slaughter
Ford Smart
George Smart
Alice E. Smith
Clara Ellna Smith
Gordon Morris Smith
Hazle Smith
Lucile Smith
Martha Smith
Nell Smith
Ruby Lee Smith
Harry Marsh Smith, Jr. (1911-1979)
Milton Snyder
Henrietta Solomon
Virginia South
Frank B. Spangler, Jr. (1913-2004)
Alma Spear
Jeete Aileen Stanaland
Lois Octavia Stanley
Geraldine Starling
Ellison Stearns
Lillian Alamae Stephens
Mack Lee Stephens (1913-1984)
Sarah Stephens
Philip Stern (1913-1999)
Hollis V. Stevens
Anne V. Stewart
Duane Stewart
Mary Ruth Stewart
Edwin Stinchcomb
Derrill W. Stockard (1912-1991)
Marjorie "Margie" Stokes (Dendy R…)
Mary Elizabeth Stone
Ruby Agnes Stough
William Durden Stough (1912-2002)
John Harris Stovall (1912-1997)
Alice Stowers
Georgette Stowers
Helen B. Stowers
Helen Strebile
Alline Strickland
Hugh Stuart
Mary F. Suggs
Mary Alma Sullivan
Sybil Ruth Sullivan
Frances Louise Tally
Roy Tally
Joseph Cecil Talton
Annie Bernell Taylor
Brantley Taylor
Juanita Taylor
Lloyd S. Taylor
Nell Taylor
Ernest Teague (1910-1932)
James Terrell
Henry B. Terry
Inez Tew
Alice Thames
Anne Dimmick Thetford
Joseph Dimmick Thetford
Elsie Leila Thigpen
Duane Thompson (1913-1995)
Wilkie Eugene Thompson
Ralph Fogle Thornbury (1910-1985)
Marion Thrasher
Margaret Tidwell
Mary Lucile Till
Lois Tillman
Walter Todd
Edith Brooks Tolson
Alston Trawick
Jane Eddins Troy
Edeelene Tucker
Clint Mills Turner
Dorothy Langham Turner
Elizabeth Turnipseed
Rondle E. Tuttle (1911-2000)
Wallace Tuttle
Martha Urmston
Bert Ussery
Eloise Vaughn
Judson Vaughn
Raleigh McDuffy Vreeland (1913-1970)
Madlyn Louise Wadsworth
Nancy Katherine Walden
Haynes Walker
James W. Walker
Jared A. Walker (1912-1998)
Joe L. Walker
Louise Wallace
Nadine Wallace
Sarah L. Wallace
Eunice Virginia Walston
Wiley Colquett Walter
Julian Bowers Walthall (1912-2001)
Emmett Ward (1912-1985)
Johnette Ward
Dorothy Elizabeth Warren
Erwin T. Warren (1914-1990)
Ben Crum Washburn
Minnie Alice Watson
Louise Watts
Gladys Miriam Weaver
Larry Welch
Ophelia Whitaker
Mark Whitehead
James W. Wilborn (1913-2000)
Connie Wilkes
Emma Wilkes
Memrie Wilkes
Eugene Willcox
Earl Williams
Grace Goodwyn Williams
Harold Williams
Leverette Williams
R. H. Williams, Jr.
Mayme Lou Williamson
Horace Clem Willis, Jr.
Amos Wilson
Margaret Alice Wood
Emanuel Woodrow
Imogene Yates (Wheeler 1912-2002)
Allene Young
Irvin R. Zyskind (1914-2003)
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