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Poet Profiles (1926)
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Earle C. Adams
Mary Lou Adams
Hugh Byron Allison
John Daniel Andrews (1908-1968)
Charles Lloyd Arledge (1908-1976)
Nell Elizabeth Atherton
Elizabeth Cloud Avinger
Marie "Mamie" Annette Avinger
Henry "Buck" Thomas Barnett (1909…)
Myrtle Bernice Bath
Martha Goodwyn Beasley
Margaret Beauchamp
Emma Lou Belyeu
Percy Mae Bennett
Wyatt Rainey Blasingame
Virginia Boland
Miriam Botko
Lois Katherine Brabham
Annie Mae Branch
Carolyn Elizabeth "Priss" Brannon
Evelyn Brannon
Joseph C. Brewer
Marjorie Sayre Brinson
Hal Ward Brown
Joe Brown
Mignon Brunson
Eleanor Buckalew
Floy Eloise Burns
Jane Wade Butler
Ruth Elizabeth Butler
Anna Celeste Butt
Warre Boyd Carmichael
Mary Irene Carrol (Shrader)
Helen Steen Cavanaugh
Ethel George Chandler
Katherine Felicia Clay
Clara Jean Coenen
Neal A. Collins
Annie Laurie Cone
Carrie Craig
Hathaway Crenshaw (Goldthwaite 19…)
James Noble Crump (1908-1994)
Mary Eva Darby
Charles Francis Davis, Jr.
Daisy Grace Dendy
Sudie H. Edwards
Sarah Ehrlich
Emma Naomi Eisenberg
Esther Eisenberg
Jefferson Townsend Evans
Katherine Virginia Evans
Katherine "Kitty" Elnora Fidler
Mary Bun Fleming
William Parham Fonville, Jr.
Waver Forrester
S. Richard Gassenheimer (1909-1988)
Martha Gilchrist
Dorothy D. Ginnavan
John Purnell Glass
Margaret Elizabeth Gorrie (19…)
Thomas Graydon
William Harrison Graydon (1909-1971)
Alice Nall Green
Annie Maud Griggs
Ralph E. Gumpf
Rose Darrington Gunter (Lawson 19…)
Charles Spight Hall
Katherine Elizabeth Hall
Richard B. Hall
Howard Fletcher Halse (1908-1963)
Juanita "Nita" Hammond
Margaret Haygood
Clarabel Henderson
Reuben Herron
Angeline Hill
Harold Brooks Hinton
Robert Buford Hobdy
Harry Horn
Robert Howard
Cravens Howell
Erwin Hoyle
Louise Hoyle
Bertha Irwin
Ola Frances Jackson
James D. James (1907-1926)
Watts Jewell
Jeannette Johnson
Berto "Booney" Henry Johnso…
William David Johnson, Jr.
Dorothy "Dot" Jones
Nannie Horace Jones
Virginia Lee Jones
Harry Ransom Kaminsky
Julia Wilson Keynton
Perry King
Janice Kirkby
Edward Alston Lee
Ruth Lee
Mary Catherine Little
John Flavelle Lyon (1908-1993)
Doris Ruth Mahan
Willella Mahone
Lois Malone
Alexander Andrews Marks (1910…)
Bessie Rhodes Maultsby (Mitch…)
Mary Elizabeth McAdory
Ruth Louise McConnell
Dorothy McDowell
Nannie Laura McLain
Edith Rebecca McMillan
Sam McPherson
Helen Jean Merriwether
Agnes Elizabeth Mitchell
Susie K. Mitchell
Patsy "Pat" Moog
Curtis Bowen Moon (1907-1992)
Edith Moorefield
George Jefferson Morgan
Alan Adolph Morris
Evelyn Mosley
Charles Benjamin Munch
Joseph N. O'Brien
Lulu Ogburn
Herman W. Ohme
Nellie Pearle Pearson
Jacob Edward Pepperman
James McLeod Phelps
Malcolm Pickett
Robbie Rivers Poole
William Powers
Joseph Victor Price
Leon Pruitt (1907-1968)
Thomas Marion Pruitt
Howard Williams Railey, Jr.
Asenath Smith Rawlinson (Carter 1…)
Nan Reynolds
Anne Rich
Mollie Mildred Rich
Frank Ridolphi (1908-1995)
William Eason Roberts
Marion Frances Samuels (1906-1965)
Helen Lowry Schaeffer
Hilda Schaeffer
Mary Sellers
Samuel Joseph Senter
Ewell Sexton
Russell Reeves Sherer (1906-1963)
William Simpson
Hugh Myles Simpson, Jr. (1908-1946)
Alice Claire Smith
Lucile Smith
Charles Woodruff Snyder
Lucius Parnell Spicer (1906-1967)
Harry Spottheim (1909-1975)
Charles "Stacomb" Abraham Stern
Mary Louise Stewart
Erma Vivia Suggs
Joseph Williams Taber (1908-1979)
Edna Nadine Taylor (Parker 1908-2002)
Mary Norris Terry
Anna Avary Thomas (Atherton 1…)
Fred Lee Thompson
Benjamin Beers Treadwell, Jr.
James Edwin Tuley, Jr. (1910-1949)
Mary Turnipseed
Joseph "Joe" Wyatt Upchurch (1909…)
James W. Walden
Susie Estelle Wall
Milford Wampold (1909-1998)
Julia Florence Whetstone
Katie Lane Whittle
John Winwright Wilkes
Janet Paterson Wilson
John Allen Wolf (1909-1963)
Evelyn Estelle Wolff
Emily Hester Wooten
Ruby Mae Worley
Nancy Louise Wright (1908-2003)
Sidney H. Yarborough
Clara Boyd Zimmerman
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