From The Alabama Journal October 22, 1958 - Page 2.
CARDINAL, Tom C., 17, a resident of Cecil, Ala., was killed Tuesday night in an auto accident.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cardinal, Cecil; a brother, Dr. Louis Cardinal Jr., Montgomery; two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Germany, Wheaton, Ill,; Mrs. Winifred George Wells, Albertville, Ala.
Funeral services will be held from Trinity Presbyterian Church at 3 p.m. Thursday with White Chapel directing.
Active pallbearers will be Hoyle Williams, Joe Sadler, Joe Scott, Bill Grubbs, Bobby Thomas, Ronald Price, Dickie Calhoun, and Marlin Mooneyham.
Honorary pallbearers will be members of the Lanier football squad.
From the 1959 Oracle Yearbook, Page 186:
"In Memoriam Tom Cardinal
January 20, 1941 - 0ctober 21, 1958
This picture brings back memories of a wonderful boy whom we will always remember. It is painful to know that we will never hear the friendly "Hey" that so many of us were accustomed to hear, or see the laughing face which always greeted us. None of us will give up the memories of these things and of the fun that we had when we were with him. We will always have an empty spot in our hearts that will never be filled. In Memoriam, the ORACLE wishes to recognize not only a great athlete, but one of the most loved persons ever to walk the halls of Sidney Lanier. Blessings on thee, little man, Barefoot boy, with cheeks of tan! Health that mocks the doctor's rules, Knowledge never learned of schools, Cheerily, then, my little man, live and laugh, as boyhood can! Ah! that thou couldst know thy joy, Ere it passes, barefoot boy! - John Greenleaf Whittier."
In Memory submitted by Ken Seamon, Class of 1971.
Ken Seamon (1971)
Tom Cardinal, picture from 1959 Oracle Yearbook, in-memoriam.
Stan Robinson (1970)
From Ancestry Genealogy Trees - Tom Cardinal parents plus date of Birth and date of Death.
Born on 7 Jan 1941 to Louise C Cardinal and Ruth M Cardinal. He passed away on 21 Oct 1958.
We show the birthday as January 20 versus January 7.
Can anyone verify these were Tom's parents?
I received these comments from Gene Shelton, who went to Lee and had met Tom:
" ... was reading the obituary posting on Tom Cardinal. I went to lee and met Tom one time. I thought that he died when he wrecked his truck driving home from school. As I remember, the circumstances of the wreck were never found out."
Can anyone give us more details?
Joe W. Ruffer (1959)
My recollection also is that he wrecked in his pickup on the way home.
Joe Ruffer
George W. Pollitt (1959)
As I recall, he wrecked his truck. He was driving very fast after a fight with his girlfriend. I attended the memorial.
William C. McLauchlin (1959)
George, you are right. Tom was headed home when he missed a curve was thrown from his truck and found sitting up in a ditch with a broken neck. Always liked Tom, fine athlete!