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Marie Abercrombie
Ellen Norwood Allison
Beatrice Armstrong
Ella Frances Beale
Peyton Bibb
Marjorie Brooks
Mary Emma Brooks
Luna Campbell Browder
Robert Wynn Browder (1903-1938)
Donald F. Cathcart
Gladys Chestnutt
Virginia Cody
William E. Cooper (1903-1983)
Fred Cronier
Mildred Damon
Nan Earl Daniel
Marquerite Daniels
Cecile Davidson
Dorothy Duncan Dix
Louise Dunn
Augustus Durning
Louis Ehrenreich
Bessie Ewing
Richard W. Fitzgerald (1901-1967)
Cassie Leta Garrett
Mary Edna Garrett
Ethelyne Gavin
Robert Gilchrist (1904-1966)
Ralph Miller Godwin
Ellie Grant
Mildred Green
George Gunter
Arthur Harmon
Bernice Harrison
Walter Harrison (1902-1958)
Ruth Head
Lillie Mae Hester
Evelyn Hix
Mable Hodges
Mamie Holt
Frances Caroline Ingram
Alice James
Olin Johnston
Louise Jones
Eunice Kennedy
Lakin Key (1901-1973)
William Hunter Key
Laura Lamar
Marian Lippman
Roy Lowry
Susie Mae Main
Joe Marshuetz
Katie McCall
Margaret McDade
Sterling McGauley (1904-1960)
Valera McInnis
Alice McKeithen
Eugenia Meller
Durling Meyer
Irvin Meyer
Trammell Miller (1903-1971)
Ernestine Mills
Virginia Alexander Mitchell
Wilbur Mosely
Gordon Muse
Eleanor Neely
Lola Nelson
Sam Nelson
William Carroll Nelson
Maxie Norsworthy
Janice O'Connell
Anna Ames Oliver
Lee Pake (1904-1969)
Elizabeth Patterson
Eula Forniss Payne
Clyde Pearson
Elizabeth Perry
Ellen Pitts
Cecil Rankin
John Nicholson Relfe
Minnie Jewel Rice
Fred Ridolphi
Katherine Robertson
Nathan Rubin (1903-1971)
Raymond Jack Scheuer
Maurice Schulwolf (1905-1970)
Homer G. Smith (1904-1970)
Laura Spencer Snodgrass
Bernice Solomon
Gaston Louis Stern
Katherine Stern
Frank McLean Stewart (1903-1968)
James A. Stripling
Leo Tatum
Arnold L. Taylor
Margaret Terry
Alton Thomas
William Sewell Thorington
Wilson Traywick (1903-1972)
John Tyson
Frank Walker, Jr.
Alvin D. Wampold
Hazel Elizabeth West
Marie Wheeler
Mary Frances Wolf
Frances Laura Young
William Young
John A. Yung (1904-1970)
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