Frank McLean Stewert
1903 - 1968
Frank McLean Stewart, of Hope Hull, was born October 10, 1903, at that place. He was the son of George Frank and Kate McLean Stewart, the former of Pike County, and the latter of Hope Hull. He is the grandson of George and Martha Johnson Stewart of Troy and Dr. Frank and Elizabeth Gilchrist McLean, originally of Robison County of this state. Colonel James Gilchrist, father of Elizabeth McLean, served in the Confederate Army; was a member of the Montgomery County Board of Revenue and at one time a member of the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Dr. Frank McLean served in the Confederate Army and practiced medicine for years at Hope Hull.
Mr. Stewart attended elementary schools in Montgomery County and graduated at Sidney Lanier High School in Montgomery. He graduated at Alabama Polytechnic Institute in the class of 1923 with a degree in Agricultural Science. He was at one time a Field Representative of the American Cotton Association and with the Belle Meade Butter Company until 1927, when he went into the dairy farming business in Montgomery County. From 1935 to 1944 he was Executive Secretary of the Alabama State Milk Control Board. From 1944 to 1947, he was market agent of the War Food Administration. From 1947 to 1951, he served as Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture and took office as Commissioner on 16 January, 1951.
A 32nd Degree Mason and a Democrat, Mr. Stewart was a member of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Montgomery. He was also a member of the Andrew Jackson Lodge No. 173, AF&AM at Montgomery, and a member of the Alcazar Temple Shrine.
He married at Dothan, 12 October 1927, Effie, daughter of Ed and Ethel (Crawford) Williams of Dothan. Mr. Williams was formerly president of the Third National Bank of Dothan and one time owner and publisher of the Wiregrass Siftings. James Reid Crawford, grandfather of Mrs. Stuart, was sometime President of the Dothan National Bank.
Mr. Stewart died on January 19, 1968.
Alabama Department of Archives and History, Official and Statistical Register, 1951, 30.
ADAH Surname Clipping File.