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Cora Lee Adams
Elizabeth Adams
Maud Bibb
Gladys Bourne
Eleanor Browder
Lee Callaway, Jr. (1901-1975)
Cora Lee Cook
Elizabeth Crommelin (Gunster 1901…)
John Crommelin (1902-1996)
Wilmer Daniel
Margaret Dannelly
George Cummings Dickey (1900-1979)
Marshall Elise Fitzpatrick (Janne…)
Anne Paul Goldthwaite
Lucy Goldthwaite (1900-1982)
Margaret Hix
Elberta Holt
Genie Blue Howard (Mathews 1899-1994)
May Inglis
Edgar Jewell
Nota Johnston
Irby Austin Jones (1900-1971)
Lillian Jones
Lois Jones
Francis King
Dora Landau
Theodosia Lee
Jane Massie
Joe McAdam (1900-1976)
Louise McAdam
Frank Mosley
Laura Oliver
Lewis Pake
Laura Payne
Mary Elmore Persons (1902-1973)
Lurline Pierson (Weatherby 18…)
Walter Pinner
Grace Reese
Annie Young Roberts
Lucille Roberts
Mamie Kate Roemer
Zelda Sayre (Fitzgerald 1900-…)
Edith Schueur
Mary Janet Scott
Leila Sherrill
Alice Smith
Emily Smith
Wilmer Suttle
Martha Teague
Edward Terry
Virginia Thomason
Jesse Trawick
Aline Turnipseed
Margaret Tuttle
Annie Weare
Herbert Wicks
Annie Gene Williams
George Williams
Oscar Yelverton
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