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In Memory Of Our Poets

Frances Kreis (1929-2007) - Class Of 1948

KREIS, Frances was born De­cember 19, 1929 in Delhi, Louisi­ana. She grew up in Montgom­ery, AL. graduating from Sidney Lanier High School.  She contin­ued her studies at the University of Alabama. She married Earl Joseph Kreis, August 11, 1951 and they lived in Montgomery until moving to Birmingham in 1969.  Frances was a long time faithful member of Brookwood Baptist Church in Birmingham.  A loving Mother, a fun and cre­ative grandmother, Frances will be greatly missed.  She Delight­ed in her family and found her greatest joys on earth to be her involvement with her church, her bridge clubs, supper club and her volunteer work.....her family and friends can never forget her kindness and acts of love.  Visitation will be Sunday Febru­ary 11th from 5 till 7 pm at Ri­dout's Valley Chapel in Home­wood on Oxmoor Rd.  Funeral Services will be Monday, Febru­ary 12th at 11 am at Brook­wood Baptist Church with graveside at 3pm in Montgom­ery at Greenwood Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, gifts should go to Brookwood Baptist Church in her memory.  Ri­dout's Valley Chapel Directing. 205-879-3401
Funeral Home: none
Publication Date: 02/12/2007