Deceased Poet: Reecca G. "Becky" Waitt de Boisblanc - 1956
Date Of Birth: 1938
Date Deceased: Sept-6-2013
Age at Death:
Cause of Death:
Poet City: New Orleans
Poet State: LA
Poet Country: USA
Survived By: Donald F. de Boisblanc, son, Charles de Boisblanc, son, and Laura Helen de Boisblanc Briscoe, daughter.
Rebecca G. "Becky" Waitt was born about 1938 and graduated from Sidney Lanier High School in Montgomery, Alabama in the class of 1956. She died in New Orleans, LA on 6 September 2013. Her father was Malcolm G. Waitt and her spouse was Donald F. de Boisblnc. This information was gained from records on their death records of Louisiana.
In Memory from Elizabeth Vaughan Arnold.