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Edith Allen
Lorraine Allen
Lucia Allen
Garnett Andrews
Robert Shepherd Barnet
Gwendolyn Barnett
Paul Barry (1903-1977)
Bascom Bates
Elsie Bayzer
Mona Ruth Bell
Laura Bennett
Mary Bennett
James Warren Bickerstaff
Emily Prince Black
Elizabeth Blair (Pannell 1903-1997)
Edmund Lurton Blassingame
Olivia De Loss Bourne
Thelma Jeanette Boyd (Barnes)
Grace Bozeman
Mary David Bradshaw
Willard W. Brewer (1903-1989)
Joseph Edgar Britt, Jr. (1903-1974)
Mattie Mae Brooks
Virginia Browder
Mamie Carolyn Calloway
Emyle Josephine Carroll
Mary Irene Carroll
Grace James Chambers
Alice Browder Chapman
Dorothy Cobbs
Margaret Collins
Richard Conour
Mable Elizabeth Cook
Ruth Cook
Virginia Cook
Susie Mae Cooper
Marguerite Cox
Henry Crommelin
Alice Alberta Davis
Susie Powell Dean
William Pou DeJarnette, Jr.
Jeptha Dennis
Stanley Detlie (1904-1976)
Alice Dudley
Mary Frances Dudley
Clara Finkelstein
Mary Averette Fonville
Helen Ford
Elizabeth Fowler
Harold Friedman
Eva Garrett
Nancy Garrett
Thelma Louise Gilbert
Mary Ellen Gilchrist
Aileen Gilder
Lillian Gilder
Eva Golson
Edgar Goodson (1902-1968)
Algie Gordon
Hubert Patrick Griffith (1901-1982)
Sara Mae Hall
Eloise Harris
Charles Trawick Harrison
Joseph Lawrence Harrison
Mary Wash Hart
Jessie Louise Head
Elizabeth Hill
Elbert Holt
Rebie Holt
Margaret Inglis
Mathilde Ingram (Smith)
Mae Adelaide Irwin
Lena Mae Jones
Jane Taylor Kelley
Richard Kennedy
Lucile Kennington
Mary Susan Keynton (1899-1984)
Joseph Emmett Kigin (1902-1971)
Theo. Lacy, Jr.
Vannie Lamar
Marguerite Landgraff
Lawrence Haywood Lee, Jr.
Julia Andrews Marks (Dozier 1902-…)
Reese Martin, Jr. (1902-1940)
Helen Rhodes Maultsby
Issac W. May
Terry McDaniel (1903-1980)
Eugenia McGough
Marvin McIntosh
Martha Porter McKay
Margaret McLeod
Louise McWhorter
Dorothy Minderhout
Lucy Mae Mitchell
Sarah Trelle Moon
Ruth Louise Moore
Helen Morris
Forrest Norton
Mary Frances Oconnell
Frances Ohme
Lucy Gilmer Oliver (Coleman 1903-…)
Thomas Oliver (1903-1988)
Irvin Oster
Weenona Hanson Peck
Ella Bedford Perry
Albert James Pickett (1903-1952)
Louise Powell
Virginia Rabb
Bessie Reese
Birdie Rice
Phil Roberts
Mary Wyatt Rushton
Shelley S. Sansbury
Bessie Savage
Carmen Scroggs
Elizabeth Smith
George Clisby Smith
Holt Smith (1902-1954)
Charles Milton Smith, Jr. (1904-1974)
Charles A. Stakely, Jr. (1903-1965)
Anne Lucile Stuart
O'Beron Suttle
Ruth Tapia
William Taylor (1901-1984)
Frances Thomason
Margaret Thompson
Mamie Bell Thweatt
Sophia Trum
La Margaret Turnipseed
Orline Tuttle
Mary Wadsworth
John Wallace
Ruth Weare
Susan "Sue" Farley West (Ruth…)
Evelyn Wilson
Margaret R. Wood
William T. Wood
Thelma Wright
Osborne Zuber
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