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In Memory Of Our Poets

Mary Leverne Wright (Stephenson) (1937-2014) - Class Of 1956

Deceased Poet: Mary Leverne Wright Stephenson - 1956
Date Of Birth: July-4-1937
Date Deceased: July-30-2014
Age at Death:
Cause of Death:
Poet City: Montgomery, Montgomery County
Poet State: AL
Poet Country: USA
Survived By:

Mary Leverne Wright Stephenson was born July 4, 1937. She graduated in the class of 1956 from Sidney Lanier High School in Montgomery, Alabama. She died in Montgomery, Alabama on July 30, 2014. This information was located on the obituary section of White Chapel Funeral Home in Montgomery, Alabama. She lived most of her life in Montgomery according to the City Directory records on Montgomery, Alabama.

From Elizabeth Vaughan Arnold.